Morning! My Yogi tea fortune for today says - "If you do not have a mastery of your mind you cannot know the mystery of existence" how true. so what is up with everybody this weekend? any chance of a monoploy tournament at my place on sat night? id be happy to host but i have to warn you all, i fall asleep VERY early. if i can stay awake to 11:00 on a weekend its a huge deal (during the week im sleeping by 8pm and up between 4:45 and 5:15). so i would love to have company but ill probably crap out before everyone, although you would be welcome to stay to the wee hours and hang with the fiance. let me know
Looks like KoS already spoke for me, but yeah, what he said... and looks like there is going to be a fight....cause I'll be DAMNED if i let him be the car. Bottle of wine sound good?
Yep, yep! I'm down! My Princess dropped you an e-mail with her availability & our new phone number. When I'm done with this comment, I'm going to drop you one with my cell phone number. Due to the lack of DSL, our phone line is occaisionally tied up, especially if we both want to post!