So this old timer I know got into it with his old lady the other night and she ran him off. Unfortunately for her, he was only too happy to leave, and had only stayed with her because they'd been forced to adopt their grand daughter, and he didn't want the kid to be without a father. Anyways, so he's staying with my cousin and I went by to do some business stuff with her and ended up spending the whole day, up until now, with them. While showing them a job I had for them, we decided to swing by his old house and get some of his tools and shit. Once we broke in (it's abandoned and his wife went out of her way to make it hard to get in) we ended up getting two truck loads of his shit. I wanted to get a lot more, but he wants to just be done with her.
I feel bad for this old timer. He's a great man and a damn good friend. I've known him forever, half my life, and he's been one hell of a mentor. He taught me half of everything I know about construction work, and my dad taught me the other half, so this shows how much the guy means to me. We've gotten into it before, cause I went from working for him, to working with him, to being his boss, and it has to be hard for someone like him (whose been working construction since he was like 12 and knows literally everything there is to know about it) to take jobs from some young punk who learned half his trade from him.
In a way, though, this is a good thing for him. Living with his wife was a horrible thing for him, because he worked his ass off every day to make money that she just blew on total shit. Now, he'll be able to save up some money and retire some day, or at least take it easy. If he stayed with her, he was going to be the typical Mexican laborer that would have to work until the day he died, but now he's got a chance at a decent, if not extremely simple, life. Still, he misses the kid so much when we got to talking about her he almost cried. This is the toughest guy I've ever known, and to see that tore at my heart. Also, seeing his wife fuck him over like so many of my father's wives have done to my Dad was very, very tough to see. If only for that reason, I ddi not mind at all blowing off all my work and very important obligations for the day to help him out (oh and, you know, to commit grand larceny and b&e
, but that's nothing too new to me, I once lived in the gutter, so it was like falling into an old routine
in a very surreal way).
Well, that's all I have to say for the moment. I need to clean up a little and get some clothes washed, then sack out for the night. I was up early and tomorrow I need to get up earlier to get cracking on packing up this apartment and fixing this fuck up I have in my paperwork.
I feel bad for this old timer. He's a great man and a damn good friend. I've known him forever, half my life, and he's been one hell of a mentor. He taught me half of everything I know about construction work, and my dad taught me the other half, so this shows how much the guy means to me. We've gotten into it before, cause I went from working for him, to working with him, to being his boss, and it has to be hard for someone like him (whose been working construction since he was like 12 and knows literally everything there is to know about it) to take jobs from some young punk who learned half his trade from him.
In a way, though, this is a good thing for him. Living with his wife was a horrible thing for him, because he worked his ass off every day to make money that she just blew on total shit. Now, he'll be able to save up some money and retire some day, or at least take it easy. If he stayed with her, he was going to be the typical Mexican laborer that would have to work until the day he died, but now he's got a chance at a decent, if not extremely simple, life. Still, he misses the kid so much when we got to talking about her he almost cried. This is the toughest guy I've ever known, and to see that tore at my heart. Also, seeing his wife fuck him over like so many of my father's wives have done to my Dad was very, very tough to see. If only for that reason, I ddi not mind at all blowing off all my work and very important obligations for the day to help him out (oh and, you know, to commit grand larceny and b&e

Well, that's all I have to say for the moment. I need to clean up a little and get some clothes washed, then sack out for the night. I was up early and tomorrow I need to get up earlier to get cracking on packing up this apartment and fixing this fuck up I have in my paperwork.
There's a US one available form this site and a company that claims to make things simaler to US issue but better. I might give it a shot instead of the actual US issue.
Still a damn nice, carbon steel machete for $25, even if I have to give it a touch up now and then,
And this will be my second time seeing Motorhead. I saw them in toronto with Iron maiden and dio two years ago.