Ah, man.
I'm being forced to kick out my all-time favorite tenants. Apparently they are giving my step mother, the realtor, a reall hard problem about letting prospective buyers come into the house to look at it, so naturally she bitched and moaned to the owner, who called me to tell me to kick them out early. So I'm sitting here for the last twenty minutes trying to type up a very tactful, but legal letter basically telling them to get the fuck out in 30 days and not to forget to pay their rent.
Wow, three days and I'm out of the biznass.
Well, I just learned why I hide my emotions. According to the head shrinker on television it's because my parent's told me not to feel bad/sad when they told me they were getting divorced when I was a kid.
I have a bad headache. Fucking cigarettes - I've only been smoking for two days now and already I feel sick and tired and just unhealthy. Fuck this shit, I am done like a gun.
OK, so I got the notice kicking my one tenant out, now I need to write another one threatening to kick out a different tenant if they don't clean their yard.
You know, I'd make a damn good paralegal if it wasn't for my ethical code...unless I found an *gasp* ethical lawyer to work for.
Ok, I'm out. Oh, wait, watched Near Dark this morning. Fucking awesome movie - waaaay better then The Lost Boys, in my humble opinion. Like, way, way, way, way better, and I fucking loved The Lost Boys. Just Near Dark is much cooler and stylish and real (strange to refer to a Western Vampire movie as "real"
I'm being forced to kick out my all-time favorite tenants. Apparently they are giving my step mother, the realtor, a reall hard problem about letting prospective buyers come into the house to look at it, so naturally she bitched and moaned to the owner, who called me to tell me to kick them out early. So I'm sitting here for the last twenty minutes trying to type up a very tactful, but legal letter basically telling them to get the fuck out in 30 days and not to forget to pay their rent.
Wow, three days and I'm out of the biznass.
Well, I just learned why I hide my emotions. According to the head shrinker on television it's because my parent's told me not to feel bad/sad when they told me they were getting divorced when I was a kid.

I have a bad headache. Fucking cigarettes - I've only been smoking for two days now and already I feel sick and tired and just unhealthy. Fuck this shit, I am done like a gun.
OK, so I got the notice kicking my one tenant out, now I need to write another one threatening to kick out a different tenant if they don't clean their yard.
You know, I'd make a damn good paralegal if it wasn't for my ethical code...unless I found an *gasp* ethical lawyer to work for.
Ok, I'm out. Oh, wait, watched Near Dark this morning. Fucking awesome movie - waaaay better then The Lost Boys, in my humble opinion. Like, way, way, way, way better, and I fucking loved The Lost Boys. Just Near Dark is much cooler and stylish and real (strange to refer to a Western Vampire movie as "real"

Cancun was great , but the maids were fat old skanks , a couple of the waitressess were ok . The water was rough the whole time due to high winds , did some diving and spearfishing , plus a few charter trips for various grouper and snapper etc.... the resort chef steamed my catch for me , cause my dietary restrictions only allow less than 1000mg of sodiun an no potasium per day . Heck I just went out and bought a new steamer for cooking fish at home , I think it is opening day this Saturday , I need to finish spreading the clay base in my pond so I can start filling it soon , and add some structure too .
I've allways had a softspot for all those old IROC's , with very little work they can hold over 1G on the skid pad , and perform pretty well with the 305tpi 5 speed combo , I just got a bunch of parts in to make my race car streetable yesterday , the big radiator etc , pluse all the goodies to fill a dart block , head , intake combo , now I need to get a bunch of quotes for all the machine work on the parts . It will make an interesting toy for cruise nights and rides to the beach for the car shows down there