These dumb fucks were blasting their stereo and doing donuts in front of the hotel just across the street from my apartment, with a bunch of people standing around hollering them on, and the fucking idiots in the car (a sweeeeeeet Corvette) slammed into a telephone pole and FUCKED up that ride! LMFAO!!!!
That shit was hilarious!!!!!!
Even funnier cause no one got hurt too bad!
These dumb fucks were blasting their stereo and doing donuts in front of the hotel just across the street from my apartment, with a bunch of people standing around hollering them on, and the fucking idiots in the car (a sweeeeeeet Corvette) slammed into a telephone pole and FUCKED up that ride! LMFAO!!!!
That shit was hilarious!!!!!!

Even funnier cause no one got hurt too bad!

The night before my sisters wedding we took the corporate limo out partying , and while having an illegal alien driving for the night we decided to have him do donuts while we were hanging out the sunroof and windows , needless to say the bestman fell out and got run over
and sometime after that the motor threw a rod
so we were then short one limo the next morning for the wedding