I really dislike my step mother. Everyone wonders why I don't like her, because she so nice to them and all, but when no one else is around/involved, she's always trying to break my balls. Fuck it, why worry on someone I'll never have to deal with again?
Oh, and my snake is a fucking moron. I had to help it eat this mouse yesterday. An odd experience to be sure. From now on I'm going to euthanize the mice I feed him (i.e. do it humanely), but I'm sure he'll find some way of fucking up even eating a dead mouse! lol!
Well, I thought today was the CD release party for my buddy's band, but it turns out it's tomorrow. Good thing, too, cause I'd never have made it in time today. Should be a kick ass time. It's at Casbeers, home of the best enchiladas in Texas, with tons of good cheap beer, and just an all around kick ass place. They don't even charge a cover on nights when they have music (no music Sunday or Monday) - how fucking cool is that!? Especially considering they get some of the best bands in the city/state AND they pay the bands just as much as they would get paid at most other venues. Gotta love and support cool places like this in your local music scene.
I need to cut my hair. I feel like a fucking hippie, even though it's probably only an inch or two long. So strange that I used to have girly shoulder length hair for so long - course most of the time it was in dreds. Somehow washing my hair when it's long with industrial strength soaps caused it to dred up almost perfectly.
I haven't had a cigarette in a very long time, and I'm starting to freak out. The first week is tough, so is the second week, then you don't even really notice it, but come the fifth and sixth week, and you get insanely bad cravings. Don't know why that is, but it's always been the case with me. I think I might cheat and go bum one off the cutie down at the gas station.
Ugh. Wouldn't you know it? The ONE time my neighbors upstairs are blasting cool music, someone goes over there to complain and make them turn it off! Oh well, now I'll just have to blast cool music and tell everyone to fuck off cause I'm moving in a week, so what do I care if I piss off the apt. manager?

Oh, and my snake is a fucking moron. I had to help it eat this mouse yesterday. An odd experience to be sure. From now on I'm going to euthanize the mice I feed him (i.e. do it humanely), but I'm sure he'll find some way of fucking up even eating a dead mouse! lol!
Well, I thought today was the CD release party for my buddy's band, but it turns out it's tomorrow. Good thing, too, cause I'd never have made it in time today. Should be a kick ass time. It's at Casbeers, home of the best enchiladas in Texas, with tons of good cheap beer, and just an all around kick ass place. They don't even charge a cover on nights when they have music (no music Sunday or Monday) - how fucking cool is that!? Especially considering they get some of the best bands in the city/state AND they pay the bands just as much as they would get paid at most other venues. Gotta love and support cool places like this in your local music scene.
I need to cut my hair. I feel like a fucking hippie, even though it's probably only an inch or two long. So strange that I used to have girly shoulder length hair for so long - course most of the time it was in dreds. Somehow washing my hair when it's long with industrial strength soaps caused it to dred up almost perfectly.
I haven't had a cigarette in a very long time, and I'm starting to freak out. The first week is tough, so is the second week, then you don't even really notice it, but come the fifth and sixth week, and you get insanely bad cravings. Don't know why that is, but it's always been the case with me. I think I might cheat and go bum one off the cutie down at the gas station.
Ugh. Wouldn't you know it? The ONE time my neighbors upstairs are blasting cool music, someone goes over there to complain and make them turn it off! Oh well, now I'll just have to blast cool music and tell everyone to fuck off cause I'm moving in a week, so what do I care if I piss off the apt. manager?

They're playing "WarGames" at the Drafthouse tomorrow during my friend's CD release party! And it's only $2.00!!! Vile bastards! I LOVE that movie!
On the 16th they're doing a Mad Max marathon I might just have to catch. Also, I pray that someone in Seattle or near there has a theatre that does shit like this, cause I have a whole list of movies I need to see in the theatres.