I'm awake BEFORE noon!!! First time in months, baby! Fuck yeah!!!
Oh, and Cat's new set is fuckin HOT!
Gotta love a girl who could kick my ass!
Another reason I am fairly happy is that I woke up today for the first time in almost two weeks without the overwhelming desire to vomit. Meaning that my stomach medication is starting to work again - thank fucking Jeebus! Waking up horribly sick every morning really puts a cloud over your day.
What else? Oh yes, I'm going to be living my last 15 days in Texas in Boerne with my Grandpa. This is going to be interesting, cause it's going to be a very boring 15 days, as he never does anything but sit around and drink coffee and watch basic cable (and I mean BASIC cable). Poor guy refuses to leave his house on account of his dog, so he's kind of a prison in his own home, and it even has him depressed enough that he's taking pills (prescribed ones, he ain't self-medicating like me
) for it. That dog dying is going to be the best thing that ever happened to him recently. He'll be sad and whatnot, yeah, but then he won't have an excuse to not get out of that fucking house, and will be at the mercy of his family and their half-cocked ideas (like my fishing trip idea, or my brother's getting him up to Seattle idea).
Well, me's got work to do. I tell you what, getting a regular job again is going to suck, even considering how happy I am to be rid of this one (not only does it get tiring, but I just like to change careers every year or two).
I'm awake BEFORE noon!!! First time in months, baby! Fuck yeah!!!

Oh, and Cat's new set is fuckin HOT!

Gotta love a girl who could kick my ass!

Another reason I am fairly happy is that I woke up today for the first time in almost two weeks without the overwhelming desire to vomit. Meaning that my stomach medication is starting to work again - thank fucking Jeebus! Waking up horribly sick every morning really puts a cloud over your day.
What else? Oh yes, I'm going to be living my last 15 days in Texas in Boerne with my Grandpa. This is going to be interesting, cause it's going to be a very boring 15 days, as he never does anything but sit around and drink coffee and watch basic cable (and I mean BASIC cable). Poor guy refuses to leave his house on account of his dog, so he's kind of a prison in his own home, and it even has him depressed enough that he's taking pills (prescribed ones, he ain't self-medicating like me

Well, me's got work to do. I tell you what, getting a regular job again is going to suck, even considering how happy I am to be rid of this one (not only does it get tiring, but I just like to change careers every year or two).
You will have to settle down into a long term career eventually