Had first drink in a long time just now. Can't see why I missed it. Just feel more tired and sick to my stomach.
Yeah, so it looks like I might be going up to Seattle, permanently, the first of next month. A sequence of strange events just unfolded that have inspired me to go.
See, I'm kind of not going to school anymore. At all. So come May 30, when it's time to renew my military insurance, I won't be eligible to renew. This is when I was thinking of going up there, but now I'm thinking - why not go now and have free insurance for a couple months to give me time to get a job that offers health insurance so it's not a problem anymore? Also, get me some time to fish and no work, too!
What I did was remove my business from the equation. Originally that was the only reason I was even waiting, but today I found out my cousin lost her job. Then it was suggested that maybe she'd want the business when I left, since she had a kid and is heavily in debt and all. Unloading my obligation to my clients was a big reason I was hanging around, but if she will take the business (and probably she won't - she's stubborn and idiotic and will hold the fact that I kind of stole it from her in the first place against me...and I can't blame her, except she's got a fucking child and doesn't have the right to be stubborn anymore).
Now I wish I wasn't going up to Seattle on Monday, that way I could get all packed up and just leave that much sooner. As I see it, I figure I'll be packed and out of my apartment by the 1st, bum around my Grandpa's house for a week or so, saying my goodbyes to my extended family in that town, then come back to San Antonio, rent a trailer, load it up, and get on gettin' on. I'm a little apprehensive about towing so much stuff with my truck - it's pretty light in weight, and a heavy trailer will have it's way with that truck going down mountains. I had the same problem with a van that weighed 3000lbs towing a 6000lbs trailer through the Rockies. More then once I was sure I was going to die when that trailer tried to pass the van. Not good, and not fun.
However, before I leave for the last time I need too....go catfishing one last time! Sure, I'll do a little catfishing in Seattle, but not Texas Catfishing - not world class catfishing!
Oh, and I've got an interesting problem. I want a camper shell for my truck, so I can put stuff in it when I drive up to Seattle, but they cost $900! And I can't find any used ones, not even on eBay. SO! Do I spend $900 on a camper shell, which will save me $200 on a rental trailer (I can get the smaller trailer this way)? If I get the smaller trailer, it'll be a safer trip cause it won't weigh more then the truck, which does have me worried. I think I will buy the camper, but I'll need to borrow the money to do it...as if I wasn't in enough debt....fuck it, why not? It's only money.
Yeah, so it looks like I might be going up to Seattle, permanently, the first of next month. A sequence of strange events just unfolded that have inspired me to go.
See, I'm kind of not going to school anymore. At all. So come May 30, when it's time to renew my military insurance, I won't be eligible to renew. This is when I was thinking of going up there, but now I'm thinking - why not go now and have free insurance for a couple months to give me time to get a job that offers health insurance so it's not a problem anymore? Also, get me some time to fish and no work, too!

What I did was remove my business from the equation. Originally that was the only reason I was even waiting, but today I found out my cousin lost her job. Then it was suggested that maybe she'd want the business when I left, since she had a kid and is heavily in debt and all. Unloading my obligation to my clients was a big reason I was hanging around, but if she will take the business (and probably she won't - she's stubborn and idiotic and will hold the fact that I kind of stole it from her in the first place against me...and I can't blame her, except she's got a fucking child and doesn't have the right to be stubborn anymore).
Now I wish I wasn't going up to Seattle on Monday, that way I could get all packed up and just leave that much sooner. As I see it, I figure I'll be packed and out of my apartment by the 1st, bum around my Grandpa's house for a week or so, saying my goodbyes to my extended family in that town, then come back to San Antonio, rent a trailer, load it up, and get on gettin' on. I'm a little apprehensive about towing so much stuff with my truck - it's pretty light in weight, and a heavy trailer will have it's way with that truck going down mountains. I had the same problem with a van that weighed 3000lbs towing a 6000lbs trailer through the Rockies. More then once I was sure I was going to die when that trailer tried to pass the van. Not good, and not fun.
However, before I leave for the last time I need too....go catfishing one last time! Sure, I'll do a little catfishing in Seattle, but not Texas Catfishing - not world class catfishing!
Oh, and I've got an interesting problem. I want a camper shell for my truck, so I can put stuff in it when I drive up to Seattle, but they cost $900! And I can't find any used ones, not even on eBay. SO! Do I spend $900 on a camper shell, which will save me $200 on a rental trailer (I can get the smaller trailer this way)? If I get the smaller trailer, it'll be a safer trip cause it won't weigh more then the truck, which does have me worried. I think I will buy the camper, but I'll need to borrow the money to do it...as if I wasn't in enough debt....fuck it, why not? It's only money.
Want a disturbing image in your head? Watch Leno's show and try and picture him having sex. Not with you, but with anyone. Somehow that just freaked me out in a weird way - kind of like asking yourself "What's the sound of one hand clapping" or "If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around, does it make a sound?".
Oh, and I watched "Basic Instinct" for the first time in a long time just now. Forgot how much nudity was in it. Both those women were fucking hot back then, especially their bodies. Most women now-a-days are so fake that they only look good in clothes, but once you get them naked they're repulsive, cause it doesn't look real. Lately we've taken body modification via surgery to a new extreme that leaves little hope for the future...