Was at Wal-Mart looking for that bait they don't have yet, and ended up buying this tiny little one person inflatable raft. It's rated at 190lbs, and I weigh 195lbs, so this should be damn fun in choppy water!!! I'm a maniac, but I have no worries - even when it's 18 degrees outside, my home lake is a solid 75 degrees, so I have no hypothemia worries. And for ten bucks, if I don't sink this thing the first time I use it, I got a good deal on it.
Also bought two rods and two reels (the rods were less then half of their regular cost, and damn nice ones I've been wanting for years...the reels...well...can't buy new rods and forget the reels to go with 'em, can you!?
) and a rod/reel combo that comes with it's only padded carry case that I can use to fly it up to Seattle with me for some rainbow trout fishing. Haven't fished for rainbow trout in ten years, this oughta be fun. Wanna know the crazy thing? No where in San Antonio sells trout hooks - they're all waaaay too big. Course, doubt I can get good catfishing gear in Seattle, so there's always that.
Am going to try and do a little fishing tomorrow. Probably won't be able to, but will definitely get some lake time on Sunday, maybe even break in one or two of those rafts I bought. Need to get little anchors for 'em, though.
Also bought two rods and two reels (the rods were less then half of their regular cost, and damn nice ones I've been wanting for years...the reels...well...can't buy new rods and forget the reels to go with 'em, can you!?

Am going to try and do a little fishing tomorrow. Probably won't be able to, but will definitely get some lake time on Sunday, maybe even break in one or two of those rafts I bought. Need to get little anchors for 'em, though.
Oh, and I'm such a geek I inflated my mini raft and was sitting in it in my living room to figure out the best configuration for when I take it out on the lake this weekend. Need to be prepared, cause in all likelihood I will be swimming back