I'm having a good day. Almost a great day. Come 10:00PM I'll know if it's just a good day or a great day (come 1:00AM I'll know if it's a PERFECT day or not...
I woke up feeling like shit and almost didn't go to school. When I got there I got a test back in my first class. Got an 80. The average grade was like 60. I don't even HAVE a book for this class and spend my whole time in there fucking around online. Needless to say, my fellow classmates were rather pissed. But it's a business class, and that's pretty much the only thing I know anything about anymore.
My second class was pretty good. I complimented this chick on her beautiful ass and she got a little pissed. I DON'T GET THAT! When a woman tells me I have a nice ass, I am rather flattered and take it as a compliment. Why is it women get so pissed off when someone compliments them? Especially women who work out in gyms and whatnot so they have nice asses? Seems like the stupidest thing in the world.
Either way, I talked her into letting me borrow her cheat sheet for the upcoming test, so it all worked out.
Then I had a couple puffs off a friend's cigarette. Coughed up a lung, then walked over to my buddy's office and talked with him for a while. He's like my second father. We're real close.
Come to find out the person I am the closest to in the world is planning on moving to Washington state soon with her husband. We haven't talked in almost a year (long story), but I still care about her deeply. Now I need to get up to Seattle before her so I can scope out the city and her and I can have some fun out on the town.
Then went to Arby's for the first time in a long time (since I got food poisoning from them) and ran into....drum roll please...well, I won't talk on this cause it'll jinx it. But if I get laid tonight, you'll will be the first to hear about it.
Then I went home and had a whole cigarette I've been saving and it sucked. I feel like shit now. Luckily this means that I probably won't start smoking for a while. I hope.
For me, smoking cigarettes is like doing a line of coke. The first one is bad ass, but soon as it starts to wear off you have this insane craving for a second, and a third, and a fourth, and so on until your lungs hurt. What can I say, I'm a chain smoker.
I'm having a good day.
Now, if ya'll will excuse me I need to go to the Post Office (which I found out was closed yesterday because of a holiday...wish I'd known that BEFORE I spent five minutes banging on the door yelling that they should be open on a fucking monday) to mail a payment off for my turbocharger (I know, I'm waaaaaaaaay past due, but the seller is being cool about it).

I woke up feeling like shit and almost didn't go to school. When I got there I got a test back in my first class. Got an 80. The average grade was like 60. I don't even HAVE a book for this class and spend my whole time in there fucking around online. Needless to say, my fellow classmates were rather pissed. But it's a business class, and that's pretty much the only thing I know anything about anymore.
My second class was pretty good. I complimented this chick on her beautiful ass and she got a little pissed. I DON'T GET THAT! When a woman tells me I have a nice ass, I am rather flattered and take it as a compliment. Why is it women get so pissed off when someone compliments them? Especially women who work out in gyms and whatnot so they have nice asses? Seems like the stupidest thing in the world.
Either way, I talked her into letting me borrow her cheat sheet for the upcoming test, so it all worked out.
Then I had a couple puffs off a friend's cigarette. Coughed up a lung, then walked over to my buddy's office and talked with him for a while. He's like my second father. We're real close.
Come to find out the person I am the closest to in the world is planning on moving to Washington state soon with her husband. We haven't talked in almost a year (long story), but I still care about her deeply. Now I need to get up to Seattle before her so I can scope out the city and her and I can have some fun out on the town.
Then went to Arby's for the first time in a long time (since I got food poisoning from them) and ran into....drum roll please...well, I won't talk on this cause it'll jinx it. But if I get laid tonight, you'll will be the first to hear about it.
Then I went home and had a whole cigarette I've been saving and it sucked. I feel like shit now. Luckily this means that I probably won't start smoking for a while. I hope.
For me, smoking cigarettes is like doing a line of coke. The first one is bad ass, but soon as it starts to wear off you have this insane craving for a second, and a third, and a fourth, and so on until your lungs hurt. What can I say, I'm a chain smoker.
I'm having a good day.
Now, if ya'll will excuse me I need to go to the Post Office (which I found out was closed yesterday because of a holiday...wish I'd known that BEFORE I spent five minutes banging on the door yelling that they should be open on a fucking monday) to mail a payment off for my turbocharger (I know, I'm waaaaaaaaay past due, but the seller is being cool about it).
Yeah , it sucks when holidays get in the way of business

It was in the upper fourties today , a real heatwave , and a good day to be at the beach
When are you sneeking out for some fishing ? What are you gonna do with that tiny turbo now that you are buying the monster caddy motor ?