Hunter S. Thompson is dead.
The sorrow I feel cannot be fully expressed. Sufficed to say, if I had a picture of myself crying, this is where I would put it. This man had a more profound effect on my life then anyone outside of my own bloodline.
Cliche as it may be, his writings truly changed me. They showed me that reading could be fun, that the things I was doing weren't "bad and evil" like the Church would have me believe. He showed me that losers weren't resigned to a life of mediocrity and boredom.
Good bye dear sir. May your passage into the next realm be as eventful as your passage through this one.
The sorrow I feel cannot be fully expressed. Sufficed to say, if I had a picture of myself crying, this is where I would put it. This man had a more profound effect on my life then anyone outside of my own bloodline.
Cliche as it may be, his writings truly changed me. They showed me that reading could be fun, that the things I was doing weren't "bad and evil" like the Church would have me believe. He showed me that losers weren't resigned to a life of mediocrity and boredom.
Good bye dear sir. May your passage into the next realm be as eventful as your passage through this one.

Now remember, it is bad luck to say the name of the goat sucker aloud, so don't do it around me (even though I say it all the time).
Chew - pah - caaa - bRah (roll that R for all it's worth).
Chew - pah - caaa - bRah.
Very easy to do. I'd think someone that was making a movie about this fucking thing, even if it's a No Budget movie, would have one of the Mexicans on set teach the lead female role how to pronounce the word correctly (this is not an obscure legend in the Mexican communities of the Southern United States I assure you).
That is the kind of ignorance that pisses me off. You spend money on something, a lot of money, and then don't do something so simple as training your LEAD ACTRESS on how to say ONE WORD correctly. Especially when she is playing someone who is a supposed "expert" in the field of the Chupacabra.