day time television is horrible once "The Price Is Right" ends and the soap operas begins. This "Ambush Makeover" show is fucking horrible - is it just me or do the hosts themselves need the makeovers and not the people they ambush??
My favorite tenant is moving out. At least it's going to be amicable. Maybe now he and I and his wife can be friends - I always hesitant with them being my tenants and all.
A White Russian is the perfect breakfast. Would be better with ice cold milk and, well, ice. Guess it wasn't a White Russian without milk, huh? Fuck it.
Need to go to Barnes and Noble to get some more of my gifts. Wonder if the assholes at Starbucks would raise a fuss if I brought a small bottle of Kahlua and made my coffee the way I really want it? Probably. They're real boring, uptight people there.
What's a good book to get my fourteen year old cousin? I can't think of one. She's smart, but doesn't enjoy reading; so 1984 is out. She's cool but doesn't like fantasy/sci-fi so Dune and The Hobbit are out. What then? She's very naive so David Sedaris is DEFINITELY out. Palahnuik too. Fuck. I want to give her the LOTR trilogy, but she would hate it, and that's assuming she even read it (and she won't). Fuck it, she's getting a gift card for sixty bucks (hope her mother doesn't find out my nieces and nephew got hundred dollar gift cards
....but they do make a big deal that she is my cousin and not my niece, so that means I don't have to spend as much money on she's a lot older and gets to see me all the time, whereas I'm lucky to see my nieces/nephew twice a year).
What to get my Dad? Already got him some computer games (the new Sim City and Tiger Woods Golf 2003...they didn't have 04 or 05, maybe Best Buy will, but I loathe waiting in their fucking lines....assholes). Maybe they'll have that green faux leather bound edition of the Hobbit I love so much. That would be great. Maybe just the whole set of LOTR. He already has it, but a fancier one would be nice - he is, after all, the one who introduced me to the whole Tolkein universe when I was just a wee lad).
My step mom is pretty set. I got her a BITCHIN catfishing setup. Better then mine own, to be honest. I got more of the weirder shit, the smaller tackle, but her pole and reel is the setup I've been dreaming about getting for myself. Instead I got it for her. I even got her better hooks then I have for myself (might just have to scavenge a few and drop them in my tackle box...doubt she'll miss a handful out of a box of fifty
). Should probably still get her a few other things. Don't know what though. OH! Fuck! Why did I drink in the morning, now I forgot! Last night I had the perfect gift for her and I didn't write it down and now I can't remember what the fuck it was! ARGH!
Oh! I could get her AND my dad a couple Bushisms books. He'll love them and she'll get a kick out of them (she's becoming more liberal by the second....for an ex-high ranking Air Force Intelligence Officer, she's coming along nicely). OH OH OH OH OH!!!! The Bush Ball Trading Cards!!!! That's it! They'll love those! I'll post some pictures of them eventually....they are the coolest thing in the world...well, for the moment at least....hehehehe....that means I get to swing by the head shop, cause they're the only place that sells 'em....
O-K! I'm getting a little buzzed here. Better stop this pointless dribble before it's too late. Just want to say that you gotta love vodka and kahlua in the morning!
My favorite tenant is moving out. At least it's going to be amicable. Maybe now he and I and his wife can be friends - I always hesitant with them being my tenants and all.
A White Russian is the perfect breakfast. Would be better with ice cold milk and, well, ice. Guess it wasn't a White Russian without milk, huh? Fuck it.
Need to go to Barnes and Noble to get some more of my gifts. Wonder if the assholes at Starbucks would raise a fuss if I brought a small bottle of Kahlua and made my coffee the way I really want it? Probably. They're real boring, uptight people there.
What's a good book to get my fourteen year old cousin? I can't think of one. She's smart, but doesn't enjoy reading; so 1984 is out. She's cool but doesn't like fantasy/sci-fi so Dune and The Hobbit are out. What then? She's very naive so David Sedaris is DEFINITELY out. Palahnuik too. Fuck. I want to give her the LOTR trilogy, but she would hate it, and that's assuming she even read it (and she won't). Fuck it, she's getting a gift card for sixty bucks (hope her mother doesn't find out my nieces and nephew got hundred dollar gift cards

What to get my Dad? Already got him some computer games (the new Sim City and Tiger Woods Golf 2003...they didn't have 04 or 05, maybe Best Buy will, but I loathe waiting in their fucking lines....assholes). Maybe they'll have that green faux leather bound edition of the Hobbit I love so much. That would be great. Maybe just the whole set of LOTR. He already has it, but a fancier one would be nice - he is, after all, the one who introduced me to the whole Tolkein universe when I was just a wee lad).
My step mom is pretty set. I got her a BITCHIN catfishing setup. Better then mine own, to be honest. I got more of the weirder shit, the smaller tackle, but her pole and reel is the setup I've been dreaming about getting for myself. Instead I got it for her. I even got her better hooks then I have for myself (might just have to scavenge a few and drop them in my tackle box...doubt she'll miss a handful out of a box of fifty

Oh! I could get her AND my dad a couple Bushisms books. He'll love them and she'll get a kick out of them (she's becoming more liberal by the second....for an ex-high ranking Air Force Intelligence Officer, she's coming along nicely). OH OH OH OH OH!!!! The Bush Ball Trading Cards!!!! That's it! They'll love those! I'll post some pictures of them eventually....they are the coolest thing in the world...well, for the moment at least....hehehehe....that means I get to swing by the head shop, cause they're the only place that sells 'em....
O-K! I'm getting a little buzzed here. Better stop this pointless dribble before it's too late. Just want to say that you gotta love vodka and kahlua in the morning!

14 year olds that don't read much prob'ly need MP3 players. I dunno what you can get for around $60 tho'.
Fuck, I can't access my hotmail account for some reason. I get onto the site and it works, but when I try to log in it reads that the site is either down or my browser doesn't work, which means my browser doesn't work. Argh!