Yeah, so the other night there was a drive-by shooting down the street from one of my rental duplexs. Whoever was driving smashed into one of our big brick mailboxes and totalled it, as well as some cars (one a tenants car, the other a neighbors).
Not a big deal. All I have to do is fix the mailbox. But they want me to replace the big old brick one (which was shared by the neighbors) and I can't do that until I get a claim check. So I need to go put in a cheap one until we can settle the claim. It's through Geicko, so this should be interesting, to say the least. Lol.
Need to go do my Christmas shopping. Wasn't planning on buying anyone anything because I don't want anything for myself, but, even though I made this perfectly clear, I know they are going to buy me shit anyways. Argh! Greedy fuckers buying me presents so I have to buy them shit.
I've very anti-gift giving on the holidays. Maybe it's because I come from a poor family and share my birthday with Jesus, but I always got the shaft as a kid, so I never really got into the presents thing. Now, in every day situations I'm very big on giving gifts, especially to the kids. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't trying to buy their love.
I must say that I find this whole thing with Donald Rumsfeld not signing those letters of condolescence for the families of the dead US soldiers sickening. Literally, it makes me sick to think that anyone, even a fucking asshole prick like Rumsfeld, could do something so heartless.
I know he's a "busy" guy and all - getting America into illegal wars and eroding away at our base freedoms has to be a time consuming ordeal. But let's consider that we haven't even lost two thousand people since 9/11/2001. For arguments sake, and round numbers to work with, we'll peg it at two thousand dead and/or missing in action. That's a total of less then one letter a day, on average.
Rumsfeld means to tell me and the American people that he couldn't find the time to personally sign ONE letter a day? Here's the math for the nay sayers (cause I just did it on my cellular phone):
There's been roughly 1,175 days since 9/11.
There's been roughly 2,000 dead since 9/11 (and that's a VERY liberal guess).
So that's 0.58 letters to be signed and mailed per day.
Rumsfeld couldn't find the time to personally sign 0.58 letters per day to the family and loved ones of those who died fighting for their country's freedom?
I could list every curse word I know in five languages and it wouldn't be enough. So, instead, I'll just say that he is an absolutely horrible human being. Bush makes me ashamed to be an American, at times. Rumsfeld makes me ashamed to be a human being.
Not a big deal. All I have to do is fix the mailbox. But they want me to replace the big old brick one (which was shared by the neighbors) and I can't do that until I get a claim check. So I need to go put in a cheap one until we can settle the claim. It's through Geicko, so this should be interesting, to say the least. Lol.
Need to go do my Christmas shopping. Wasn't planning on buying anyone anything because I don't want anything for myself, but, even though I made this perfectly clear, I know they are going to buy me shit anyways. Argh! Greedy fuckers buying me presents so I have to buy them shit.
I've very anti-gift giving on the holidays. Maybe it's because I come from a poor family and share my birthday with Jesus, but I always got the shaft as a kid, so I never really got into the presents thing. Now, in every day situations I'm very big on giving gifts, especially to the kids. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't trying to buy their love.
I must say that I find this whole thing with Donald Rumsfeld not signing those letters of condolescence for the families of the dead US soldiers sickening. Literally, it makes me sick to think that anyone, even a fucking asshole prick like Rumsfeld, could do something so heartless.
I know he's a "busy" guy and all - getting America into illegal wars and eroding away at our base freedoms has to be a time consuming ordeal. But let's consider that we haven't even lost two thousand people since 9/11/2001. For arguments sake, and round numbers to work with, we'll peg it at two thousand dead and/or missing in action. That's a total of less then one letter a day, on average.
Rumsfeld means to tell me and the American people that he couldn't find the time to personally sign ONE letter a day? Here's the math for the nay sayers (cause I just did it on my cellular phone):
There's been roughly 1,175 days since 9/11.
There's been roughly 2,000 dead since 9/11 (and that's a VERY liberal guess).
So that's 0.58 letters to be signed and mailed per day.
Rumsfeld couldn't find the time to personally sign 0.58 letters per day to the family and loved ones of those who died fighting for their country's freedom?
I could list every curse word I know in five languages and it wouldn't be enough. So, instead, I'll just say that he is an absolutely horrible human being. Bush makes me ashamed to be an American, at times. Rumsfeld makes me ashamed to be a human being.