Just saw the trailer for the new Transformers movie. My dear god, that movie is going to be insane.
Staying home from work, sick. Got a doctor's note and everything, and plenty of time off, but it's still kind of a challenge to the VP of my company to fire me, cause I know he hates nothing more then when I miss work, and I think he suspects that I am on my way out anyways. That said, I am actually sick, but any other job I'd be in today because, you know, I'd probably give a shit.
I've come to realize that I have hated my job for over 8 months now. I'm doing a half assed job, and that bugs me as well, because I've always tried to be the guy that gave 110% and did better then everyone. And I still do, in a lot of ways, but overall, I'm just putting in my time, waiting for everyone to leave the office at 4 so I can ride the clock out until 6 (I have slightly different hours then everyone else). All that aside, I also worry about the legality of some of our long standing practices (felonies), and question how long it'll be before we get caught. Either way, I've made sure that I'm in a position so when the shit does hit the fan, if I'm still there, the lightning's gonna hit a lot of people before it gets down to lil ole me.
Staying home from work, sick. Got a doctor's note and everything, and plenty of time off, but it's still kind of a challenge to the VP of my company to fire me, cause I know he hates nothing more then when I miss work, and I think he suspects that I am on my way out anyways. That said, I am actually sick, but any other job I'd be in today because, you know, I'd probably give a shit.
I've come to realize that I have hated my job for over 8 months now. I'm doing a half assed job, and that bugs me as well, because I've always tried to be the guy that gave 110% and did better then everyone. And I still do, in a lot of ways, but overall, I'm just putting in my time, waiting for everyone to leave the office at 4 so I can ride the clock out until 6 (I have slightly different hours then everyone else). All that aside, I also worry about the legality of some of our long standing practices (felonies), and question how long it'll be before we get caught. Either way, I've made sure that I'm in a position so when the shit does hit the fan, if I'm still there, the lightning's gonna hit a lot of people before it gets down to lil ole me.