I know it all comes down to the numbers, I know that idealism and politics don't seem to mix and I know that those who seek power are the last who should have it. I'm not naive when it comes to these matters but God damn it this is 80s nostalgia gone to far and I want a new surname.
Aw man, I was going to suggest both Ant and Dec (no wait I mean West) but I have been beaten to it on both counts.
And thanks for your comment on my last journal - funnily enough writing about it did help, although I'm sure many would question pouring your heart out on an internet porn site.
Just so long as it's not a Mac: Made of brushed steel and white plastic, I'd have to be endlessly smug about it and even though it's always supposed to work, there's never anything worth doing with it.
Is there anyone here who could give me advice in writing a business plan? Seriously, I've just been utterly screwed over by work and have finally decided it's time to stop dicking about and put into action an idea I've been talking about on and off for years.
Thank fuck that's over, life might start getting back to normal(ish) over the next couple of weeks. Thanks for all the messages of support, I did appreciate them even if I am as ever terrible at replying.
I've been listening to this song a lot:
I think it might be because the line "I'm talking rubbish to cover up the cracks" is a pretty good... Read More
Haha you're like me, I start to slip and let the sarcasm pour out, always with a forced gritted teeth smile.
That set won;t be going into MR since my last went down like something incredibly heavy. Thank you though, it's nice of you to say.
I would certainly enjoy listening to your theory, the more rambling and animated the better.