holy crap. i think there was just an earthquake.
my computer moved. the fish sank to the bottom of the tank. katie wouldn't let me pick her up.
it didn't seem big, just...unexpected....
i finally saw what all the fuss was about. i think i'm gonna be sick. will someone tell me when it's safe to visit dave_h again? thanks.
i've also come to the conclusion that i spend more time harrassing requiem than i do anything else.
my computer moved. the fish sank to the bottom of the tank. katie wouldn't let me pick her up.
it didn't seem big, just...unexpected....
i finally saw what all the fuss was about. i think i'm gonna be sick. will someone tell me when it's safe to visit dave_h again? thanks.
i've also come to the conclusion that i spend more time harrassing requiem than i do anything else.
Yup, he has dark hair. Although, I think I saw him in Goodwill the other day, and I was able to look at him up close, and well, I don't know if he's that cute. Anyhow, I think he's gay, and if not way to freakin hipster for me. Did you get a look at him?? Is he cute?
you felt the quake in the city? wow. im in the east bay so i felt it, it seemed kinda big, but short. you have a cat named katie? hehe. i missed out on dave_h's birthday, i was too scared to drive across the bay bridge. yeah, i said it. so there.