Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick.
Almost time to go home. An hour and thirty.
I really need to spend less time here, but my attention span has grown unfortunately short of late. Too much spent here and there and not zoning out in front of the box dropping code.
Present shopping and present making this weekend. Have to make some decisions and figure out how much I can spend. I already know the answer, though, not much.
Today is simply reading and writing. Hoping I'll finsih the book I've been burning through. Move on to something more educational. Guns, Germs, and Steel, or that manual on the Windows graphics systems.
Almost time to go home. An hour and thirty.
I really need to spend less time here, but my attention span has grown unfortunately short of late. Too much spent here and there and not zoning out in front of the box dropping code.
Present shopping and present making this weekend. Have to make some decisions and figure out how much I can spend. I already know the answer, though, not much.
Today is simply reading and writing. Hoping I'll finsih the book I've been burning through. Move on to something more educational. Guns, Germs, and Steel, or that manual on the Windows graphics systems.
Hey Dirty Hippie... I like the new profile pic.