Dear New England weather patterns:
We get it already. You're fucking tough, you can rain and rain for four fucking days. Seriously, enough. Spring rains are supposed to come all at once drown everything for 4 hours and move on. This is some seriously dreary November shit you're pulling now, and it's gotta stop.
To pass the dreary days ahead, here is a game that my friend Jacob taught me:
1) Pick a popular phrase or saying. Axiom, idiom, adage, slogan... what ever
2) Remove an important noun
3) Do a google search for that phrase, excluding the noun you removed
4) Laugh at the internet
5) Repeat.
Some examples:
?? is the mother of invention
Where there's smoke, there's ??
Zen and the Art of ??
I, for one, welcome our new ?? overlords
Oh, and nobody offered to fulfil the position regarding the implicit sanctioning of outdated and offensive gender stereotypes mentioned in my last journal. If, perhaps, what is holding you back is that you are not sure what those stereotypes are, you may find these excerpts from On Becoming a Woman by Harold Shryock, M.A, M.D, circa 1951 highly informative.
Here are some of my favorite parts:
"Even though your ultimate goal in life is homemaking, it is advisable for you to select a field of endeavour in which you can receive training so that you can be self-supporting before you are married and that you may fall back on this means of livelihood in case circumstances should require it later."
"The practice of masturbation lowers a young woman's regard for her reproductive organs. It causes her to think of them only as a means of physical gratification rather than to emphasize the concept that these organs constitute a sacred legacy."
And this, where, despite addressing women, and speaking in the surrounding context about lesbian relationships, he decides to use the third person pronoun he rather than she:
"Homosexual tendencies usually occur in persons who are otherwise poorly adjusted in life. If the development of the personality of such a person had been normal, he would be attracted to someone of the opposite sex, not to someone of his own sex."
We get it already. You're fucking tough, you can rain and rain for four fucking days. Seriously, enough. Spring rains are supposed to come all at once drown everything for 4 hours and move on. This is some seriously dreary November shit you're pulling now, and it's gotta stop.
To pass the dreary days ahead, here is a game that my friend Jacob taught me:
1) Pick a popular phrase or saying. Axiom, idiom, adage, slogan... what ever
2) Remove an important noun
3) Do a google search for that phrase, excluding the noun you removed
4) Laugh at the internet
5) Repeat.
Some examples:
?? is the mother of invention
Where there's smoke, there's ??
Zen and the Art of ??
I, for one, welcome our new ?? overlords
Oh, and nobody offered to fulfil the position regarding the implicit sanctioning of outdated and offensive gender stereotypes mentioned in my last journal. If, perhaps, what is holding you back is that you are not sure what those stereotypes are, you may find these excerpts from On Becoming a Woman by Harold Shryock, M.A, M.D, circa 1951 highly informative.
Here are some of my favorite parts:
"Even though your ultimate goal in life is homemaking, it is advisable for you to select a field of endeavour in which you can receive training so that you can be self-supporting before you are married and that you may fall back on this means of livelihood in case circumstances should require it later."
"The practice of masturbation lowers a young woman's regard for her reproductive organs. It causes her to think of them only as a means of physical gratification rather than to emphasize the concept that these organs constitute a sacred legacy."
And this, where, despite addressing women, and speaking in the surrounding context about lesbian relationships, he decides to use the third person pronoun he rather than she:
"Homosexual tendencies usually occur in persons who are otherwise poorly adjusted in life. If the development of the personality of such a person had been normal, he would be attracted to someone of the opposite sex, not to someone of his own sex."
^ none of them have slept in my bed!
Si'! Muy bueno.