My roommate Leslie and I left a couple of hours ago to grab some dinner. She was meeting up with her boy later, and I had coffee shaped plans that I was headed off to, but we were both hungry so after the thirty minute escapade that was unfreezing her doors and defrosting her windshield, we headed to Sonic because it's the closest thing.
On the way back we topped the hill, her brakes proved ineffective, and in what perhaps wasn't the best of judgement calls on her part, she tried to make the left turn off of the street we were on onto our street.
90 degrees proved to be too much. We went, instead, about 45.
Which was directly in line with a mailbox, and a bush.
As we were sliding into it, I was thinking, 'Wow, I hope I don't spill this cherry Dr. Pepper, it will be really cold.'
We're both fact, her car is probably fine, if a tid bit scratched. And we were only a block from our house, so we were able to walk home with no trouble. But since only two of four wheels are currently in contact with the ground, she called her Boy to come pull her out. He's on the way.
Why do I tell this story? Because clearly it is a bad idea to leave the house, but I really have cabin fever. I know this is why we let ourselves be assfucked by Comcast for cable every month, but right now I hate TV, and it would seem the inside of my house as well. I wish some kids lived nearby so I could entice them into a snowball fight or something.
On the way back we topped the hill, her brakes proved ineffective, and in what perhaps wasn't the best of judgement calls on her part, she tried to make the left turn off of the street we were on onto our street.
90 degrees proved to be too much. We went, instead, about 45.
Which was directly in line with a mailbox, and a bush.
As we were sliding into it, I was thinking, 'Wow, I hope I don't spill this cherry Dr. Pepper, it will be really cold.'
We're both fact, her car is probably fine, if a tid bit scratched. And we were only a block from our house, so we were able to walk home with no trouble. But since only two of four wheels are currently in contact with the ground, she called her Boy to come pull her out. He's on the way.
Why do I tell this story? Because clearly it is a bad idea to leave the house, but I really have cabin fever. I know this is why we let ourselves be assfucked by Comcast for cable every month, but right now I hate TV, and it would seem the inside of my house as well. I wish some kids lived nearby so I could entice them into a snowball fight or something.