@Starbucks between classes this morning. 4:30 comes too soon on Thursdays, y'all. #crunchfitness #c Nov 20, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
I like this fellow Iyengar. He speaks #yoga in English. #books #booklush #booklust #bookslut #knowl Nov 13, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
I teach a class that starts at 5:15am Thursday mornings. Otherwise, my personal practice schedule. Nov 11, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
@chezorlando killin' it at #karaoke. And yes, that is a ridiculously über drunk asshole in the way. Nov 9, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
This is you not in the picture, @monikacozlin. #justsayin #wtf #palmspringspride #nonsense #twice Nov 8, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
So ... apparently #Pride is going in Palm Springs right now? @monikacozlin, this is what you're mis Nov 8, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
Yes, I'm tapping out. No, I'm not mad. I got sushi for later, #bitches. Nov 7, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
Street fair in HB. Never knew they had this happening on a Tuesday ... Oct 21, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
"The true science of martial arts means practicing them in such a way that they will be useful at a Sep 9, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email