How's everyone in SG land doing?
First of all, as always, a big thanks to those kind souls who left comments on the last blog, you guys rock!
Not much new since the last blog...
Still in the same situation pain wise, but acupuncture doesn't seem to be helping this time around. Every time I get acupuncture, then the pain is twice as bad afterwards (thankfully this only happens on the day I get acupuncture). I guess I'll have to talk to my doctor about that at my next appointment on Wednesday.
He's also decided to try once more with his current placement of needles, if I still see no relief then he's going to try putting them elsewhere.
I asked him if he'd heard from physio yet, as they were going to arrange it with him so that I could get the full 6 week block of acupuncture without any interruptions. As of Wednesday last week he hadn't heard anything, so he asked me to chase it up...
That seemed weird to me, because it should have been his job to chase it up since he's the one who suggested sorting something out with physio in the first place. Meh, doctors... They're pretty quick to pass the buck aren't they?
Anyway, I'd put off chasing it up because I felt it was pointless since I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue with acupuncture since it didn't seem to be helping. I felt like it was a waste of time for everyone, ya know?
I finally bit the bullet and phoned up physio today.
I was told that they were waiting on my doctor to get back to them because they'd left a message for him at the start of August. I told them that he hadn't got the message so they said they'd contact him today to sort it out
So it turns out that it wasn't physio's fault for not getting in contact, it was the bureaucracy within the health centre that was to blame because it's their fault for not passing on the message...
I'd done some online shopping the other week, so my goodies arrived last weekend, which was awesome.
I'd ordered a 3ds XL to replace my 3ds whch died on me (it wouldn't work until you nearly closed the lid, which made it impossible to play 3ds games) and I upgraded to a kindle fire (as my kindle's battery was pretty much dead and couldn't hold a charge for very long at all).
Downloaded the new Animal Crossing game last week, and have been playing that pretty much everyday since. This one's got a lot more to it, so it's more fun rather than a repetition of the previous games.
As much as I love the kindle fire, it's a bit rubbish for using for SG. This is because I can't find a way to get rid of the predictive text, which gets really annoying whenever you're trying to type something of any length. It constantly changes what you've typed into different words, if it doesn't recognize the word you've typed. A really annoying feature, which I don't think is of much benefit to anyone...
Saw Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters and The Heat last week, both movies were awesome and The Heat was hilarious!
Having a week off from the movies this week, as they're showing The Conjuring and The Lone Ranger. None of which we really want to see, though the Mrs is getting more interested in The Lone Ranger because she keeps reading new things about it.
I think because it's turned out to be a flop (because they were hoping it would be as big as Pirates of the Caribbean), she kinda wants to see how bad it is. Also I know she's a big Johnny Depp fan (which I can't blame her for, he's a great actor and he's gorgeous), so that's another reason she wants to see it.
If they're showing it next week then we might see it then because we're going to go and see Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa next week.
First of all, as always, a big thanks to those kind souls who left comments on the last blog, you guys rock!

Not much new since the last blog...
Still in the same situation pain wise, but acupuncture doesn't seem to be helping this time around. Every time I get acupuncture, then the pain is twice as bad afterwards (thankfully this only happens on the day I get acupuncture). I guess I'll have to talk to my doctor about that at my next appointment on Wednesday.
He's also decided to try once more with his current placement of needles, if I still see no relief then he's going to try putting them elsewhere.
I asked him if he'd heard from physio yet, as they were going to arrange it with him so that I could get the full 6 week block of acupuncture without any interruptions. As of Wednesday last week he hadn't heard anything, so he asked me to chase it up...
That seemed weird to me, because it should have been his job to chase it up since he's the one who suggested sorting something out with physio in the first place. Meh, doctors... They're pretty quick to pass the buck aren't they?

Anyway, I'd put off chasing it up because I felt it was pointless since I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue with acupuncture since it didn't seem to be helping. I felt like it was a waste of time for everyone, ya know?
I finally bit the bullet and phoned up physio today.
I was told that they were waiting on my doctor to get back to them because they'd left a message for him at the start of August. I told them that he hadn't got the message so they said they'd contact him today to sort it out
So it turns out that it wasn't physio's fault for not getting in contact, it was the bureaucracy within the health centre that was to blame because it's their fault for not passing on the message...

I'd done some online shopping the other week, so my goodies arrived last weekend, which was awesome.
I'd ordered a 3ds XL to replace my 3ds whch died on me (it wouldn't work until you nearly closed the lid, which made it impossible to play 3ds games) and I upgraded to a kindle fire (as my kindle's battery was pretty much dead and couldn't hold a charge for very long at all).
Downloaded the new Animal Crossing game last week, and have been playing that pretty much everyday since. This one's got a lot more to it, so it's more fun rather than a repetition of the previous games.

As much as I love the kindle fire, it's a bit rubbish for using for SG. This is because I can't find a way to get rid of the predictive text, which gets really annoying whenever you're trying to type something of any length. It constantly changes what you've typed into different words, if it doesn't recognize the word you've typed. A really annoying feature, which I don't think is of much benefit to anyone...

Saw Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters and The Heat last week, both movies were awesome and The Heat was hilarious!
Having a week off from the movies this week, as they're showing The Conjuring and The Lone Ranger. None of which we really want to see, though the Mrs is getting more interested in The Lone Ranger because she keeps reading new things about it.
I think because it's turned out to be a flop (because they were hoping it would be as big as Pirates of the Caribbean), she kinda wants to see how bad it is. Also I know she's a big Johnny Depp fan (which I can't blame her for, he's a great actor and he's gorgeous), so that's another reason she wants to see it.
If they're showing it next week then we might see it then because we're going to go and see Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa next week.
Seriously, this movie looks awesome! We're big Steve Coogan fans and the fact that Colm Meaney is in it too makes it a must see for us!
Time for a music share now:
That's about it for this blog, so I'll finish with the usual request for more love for the following lovely ladies.
Live long and prosper.
& Bjrk
in the same blog? . . .