Thanks to everyone who enjoyed the pics in the last blog, I wasn't sure how well my level of humour would go down here...
Back to the normal blogs this time, though I'll try and lighten the tone.
First, I'll start with what's new since the last blog...
Had my second round of acupuncture, which did absolutely nothing for me. Pain levels have been really high since last Saturday, so it was obvious acupuncture wasn't going to do any good this time.
To be honest, I don't normally notice any effects from acupuncture until the 4th or 5th consecutive week of acupuncture, so I knew not to get my hopes up.
Still haven't heard about my referral for acupuncture at the physio department, so I asked the doctor to chase it up. He said it usually takes 4-6 weeks for a physio referral (I've been waiting for 4 weeks), but he'd have thought that since the referral came from the hospital it would have been quicker.
He phoned anyway, because he's off for the next 2 weeks (he works 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off), because he thought it would have been good if they could have done acupuncture for the next 2 weeks and then he could do the following 2 weeks, so that I could get the full 6 week block of acupuncture.
No success though, as both nurses who do acupuncture are on holiday, though one's back next week. he asked them to contact me if I can get an appointment for next week. I'm not counting my chickens though, because my luck's not that good...
At the moment, I don't think acupuncture's going to be much help this time anyway, as the pain's never been this sore or for this long before. I'm still a bit optimistic about the nerve block injection though, but that won't be done until the end of August or start of September. Knowing my luck it will be September at the earliest...
Anyway, there's no way I'm going to be miraculously fit for work until then, so I asked for a sickline for a month this time (it's no sense getting a new sickline every week when we all know I'm not going to be back to work for the foreseeable future).
After consideration, the doctor agreed to my request as he agrees that it's unlikely I'll feel any relief until I get the nerve block injection.
Until then, all I can do is:
That's all the news on that front anyway, and, as promised, I'll try to make this blog more lighthearted, rather than me moaning again.

Here's a couple of jokes, for those who like jokes:
Saw Pacific Rim today, I can't even begin to say how awesome that movie is. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet who wants to see it, go see it NOW!
Got tickets for Monsters University on Monday, so can't wait to see that too.
Not much else new, had an X Men day on Thursday and watched X Men Origins: Wolverine and X Men First Class, as I haven't seen them in ages.
As always there are mistakes when they make prequel movies and try to tie them in, but the movies are largely entertaining, and I've always been a fan of X Men.
I'm hoping our cinema shows the new Wolverine movie, but that may not be for a while yet. We're only getting This Is The End next month, and that came out months ago...
Time for a music share:
That's about it for this blog, so I'll finish with the usual request for more love for the following lovely ladies.
Live long and prosper.
I always found nerve blocking shots or painkillers somewhat funny, as your body hurts because there's a problem.
Man... I could go on and on about the X-Men movies...
I always imagined that if I were to EVER get married in the future, I thought it'd be cool to have As The World Falls Down as like, that first song. Ah... American idealism.
The joke was rather funny as well. Jaja, touche'