Howdy ho friends,
First of all, as always, a thanks to those kind people who left supportive comments on the last blog. You know who you are and you're all awesome!
I was looking for a gif to close my blog with and found this which was too awesome not to share.

Not a lot of news at all since the last blog.
Pain levels are still pretty high and I'm getting kinda frustrated with being signed off for so long. I've got an appointment to see a local GP on Monday, to see if he can do acupuncture. It's doubtful I'll be able to get it done on Monday, so I'll probably need to book in for later in the week. So that means another week signed off work as there's no way I'm fit for work yet.
I emptied the bin today and took the rubbish out, which left me in agony for a few hours again.
I'm getting so annoyed at not being able to do anything much at all, and it's getting to the stage where the days are blending together. If it weren't for some TV programmes being on set days of the week, I wouldn't know what day it was...
That's been 3 months without a single day's relief from the pain and I'm so fed up, it's getting to the stage where I feel like this sometimes:

Meh, that's enough about that. How's your week been?
Not really anything else new with me, as I haven't been out of the house much this week and due to my small paycheque for the past month, I've spent most of my time watching dvds I haven't seen in a long time.
Been watching the old Star Trek movies this week, which has cheered me up a bit. Got 2 left to watch but will have to save Nemesis for a day when the Mrs goes shopping, as she hates that one because she loves Data and so she hated the ending.
She's going shopping tomorrow afternoon, so that may be my chance to watch it in peace.
Had a Tarantino day today and watched Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.
Other than that, nothing new at all.
Time for a music share:
First of all, as always, a thanks to those kind people who left supportive comments on the last blog. You know who you are and you're all awesome!
I was looking for a gif to close my blog with and found this which was too awesome not to share.

Not a lot of news at all since the last blog.
Pain levels are still pretty high and I'm getting kinda frustrated with being signed off for so long. I've got an appointment to see a local GP on Monday, to see if he can do acupuncture. It's doubtful I'll be able to get it done on Monday, so I'll probably need to book in for later in the week. So that means another week signed off work as there's no way I'm fit for work yet.
I emptied the bin today and took the rubbish out, which left me in agony for a few hours again.
I'm getting so annoyed at not being able to do anything much at all, and it's getting to the stage where the days are blending together. If it weren't for some TV programmes being on set days of the week, I wouldn't know what day it was...
That's been 3 months without a single day's relief from the pain and I'm so fed up, it's getting to the stage where I feel like this sometimes:

Meh, that's enough about that. How's your week been?
Not really anything else new with me, as I haven't been out of the house much this week and due to my small paycheque for the past month, I've spent most of my time watching dvds I haven't seen in a long time.
Been watching the old Star Trek movies this week, which has cheered me up a bit. Got 2 left to watch but will have to save Nemesis for a day when the Mrs goes shopping, as she hates that one because she loves Data and so she hated the ending.
She's going shopping tomorrow afternoon, so that may be my chance to watch it in peace.

Had a Tarantino day today and watched Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.
Other than that, nothing new at all.
Time for a music share:
That's about it for this blog, so I'll finish with the usual request for more love for the following lovely ladies.
Live long and prosper.
Take care of you
Actually she did, I don't see her a lot in this moment
But that's ok, maybe she was not my real friend !
I hope your good
Have a nice day !