Hello there SG friends,
First of all, as always, a big thanks to those kind souls who left positive and supportive comments on the last blog. You've no idea how much your support is appreciated and it makes life that little more bearable. You're all awesome and I'm honoured to have friends like you.
Sorry it's been a while since the last blog, but I've never quite found time to make a new blog since.
Not too much is new either, so I've been waiting until I had something to say, other than moaning about my pain again... That's been 2 months now since I was referred to the pain clinic and 2 months straight without any real relief from the pain. Granted some days are better than others, but I haven't had a full day where I've been pain free in the last 2 months. This is the longest that it's been consistently sore in a long time. Hopefully the pain clinic won't take too much longer to send me an appointment as I'm virtually climbing the walls in pain and frustration.
It was the wife's birthday a week ago on Friday, and she didn't seem to want to celebrate her birthday in anyway at all. She was feeling a bit depressed and even told us not to bother with birthday cards this year, so, naturally, we ignored her and got her cards anyway, and I got her some chocolates. We managed to drag her out for a Chinese meal to celebrate her birthday and she was feeling a little more like her usual self by then. I bought her BioShock Infinite from the supermarket on the way home and that cheered her up even more.
It was our 3rd wedding anniversary on Tuesday, and we didn't feel like doing much, as I was skint until payday the following day, and we were both feeling rough. I was too sore to want to do anything and she had a stomach ache and didn't feel like doing anything either. We exchanged cards and I'd got her a pair of earrings she'd liked and she got me Dead Island Riptide. We know each other too well!
We had a nice, relaxing day playing the Playstation as she hadn't had a chance to play BioShock Infinite yet, and we spent the evening catching up on watching Grimm.
I was back to work on Wednesday, and since it was payday, we decided to go for a meal to celebrate our anniversary properly. It may have been a day late, but better late than never!
Not much else is new apart from that, pain's gotten progressively worse as the week's gone on. Thankfully this is my 3 day weekend, so I've had an exceptionally lazy day today and I'm looking forward to another lazy day tomorrow before going back to work on Monday.
Still no luck on the job search either, my luck's gotta change some time, but it doesn't look like that'll happen anytime soon...
Music share now:
First of all, as always, a big thanks to those kind souls who left positive and supportive comments on the last blog. You've no idea how much your support is appreciated and it makes life that little more bearable. You're all awesome and I'm honoured to have friends like you.

Sorry it's been a while since the last blog, but I've never quite found time to make a new blog since.
Not too much is new either, so I've been waiting until I had something to say, other than moaning about my pain again... That's been 2 months now since I was referred to the pain clinic and 2 months straight without any real relief from the pain. Granted some days are better than others, but I haven't had a full day where I've been pain free in the last 2 months. This is the longest that it's been consistently sore in a long time. Hopefully the pain clinic won't take too much longer to send me an appointment as I'm virtually climbing the walls in pain and frustration.

It was the wife's birthday a week ago on Friday, and she didn't seem to want to celebrate her birthday in anyway at all. She was feeling a bit depressed and even told us not to bother with birthday cards this year, so, naturally, we ignored her and got her cards anyway, and I got her some chocolates. We managed to drag her out for a Chinese meal to celebrate her birthday and she was feeling a little more like her usual self by then. I bought her BioShock Infinite from the supermarket on the way home and that cheered her up even more.

It was our 3rd wedding anniversary on Tuesday, and we didn't feel like doing much, as I was skint until payday the following day, and we were both feeling rough. I was too sore to want to do anything and she had a stomach ache and didn't feel like doing anything either. We exchanged cards and I'd got her a pair of earrings she'd liked and she got me Dead Island Riptide. We know each other too well!

We had a nice, relaxing day playing the Playstation as she hadn't had a chance to play BioShock Infinite yet, and we spent the evening catching up on watching Grimm.

I was back to work on Wednesday, and since it was payday, we decided to go for a meal to celebrate our anniversary properly. It may have been a day late, but better late than never!

Not much else is new apart from that, pain's gotten progressively worse as the week's gone on. Thankfully this is my 3 day weekend, so I've had an exceptionally lazy day today and I'm looking forward to another lazy day tomorrow before going back to work on Monday.
Still no luck on the job search either, my luck's gotta change some time, but it doesn't look like that'll happen anytime soon...

Music share now:
That's about it for this blog, so I'll finish with the usual request for more love for the following lovely ladies.
was the best .gif ever!