This is the letter that I recieved from my health insurance administration company today. It's nowhere near verbatim, but since this is my journal...I'm going to translate it into exactly what it means.
Dear Ms. Libra,
As far as we're concerned, you're up shit's creek right now. We will no longer be offering your current coverage at all as of three days after you recieve this letter. Please call the megabitch at your former employer to see what options you have available, but you might be shit out of luck there, too, since they're cheap fucks and probably won't offer you COBRA under the other company they use since they're not obligated to.
Yadda yadda...
Alrighty. So. Since my new "job" won't be offering insurance...I've responded to this letter by sending out my resume to about 60 different jobs from here to Savannah today. Here's hoping SOMETHING comes of it.
PS: I just don't understand the Mets. Rawr.
Dear Ms. Libra,
As far as we're concerned, you're up shit's creek right now. We will no longer be offering your current coverage at all as of three days after you recieve this letter. Please call the megabitch at your former employer to see what options you have available, but you might be shit out of luck there, too, since they're cheap fucks and probably won't offer you COBRA under the other company they use since they're not obligated to.
Yadda yadda...
Alrighty. So. Since my new "job" won't be offering insurance...I've responded to this letter by sending out my resume to about 60 different jobs from here to Savannah today. Here's hoping SOMETHING comes of it.
PS: I just don't understand the Mets. Rawr.
Good luck sweetie!
I do understand why this country doesnt have coverage for everyone. I run rescue and i see where some of the expensise go. It costs money for supplies just to take someone to the hospitol via emergency services. That dosent always get charged to patients. Ergo you get charged seven bucks for an asprin.