I love my new job.
Today it was one of the hostesses' last day. At the end of the shift, one of the managers called a meeting and had everyone(servers, cooks, hosts, bussers, EVERYONE) come sing "Tante Agore" to her. (best wishes, in Italian)
At the end of the song, she blew out the candle on the little cake they gave her... and then a cook poured about a quart of batter over her head!!! It was all over her hair and face and clothes...
Then the manager said "oh, I'm so sorry! We're going to miss you..." and mushed the cake all over her face!!
And while she was standing there in shock, another cook poured a pitcher of water over her head and a dishwasher sprayed her in the butt with a hose.
She then proceeded to give said manager a big squishy hug.
Said manager is leaving us this saturday, and has warned us in advance that she plans on inciting a food fight! I will not miss this for anything. But I will bring a change of clothes...
Today it was one of the hostesses' last day. At the end of the shift, one of the managers called a meeting and had everyone(servers, cooks, hosts, bussers, EVERYONE) come sing "Tante Agore" to her. (best wishes, in Italian)
At the end of the song, she blew out the candle on the little cake they gave her... and then a cook poured about a quart of batter over her head!!! It was all over her hair and face and clothes...
Then the manager said "oh, I'm so sorry! We're going to miss you..." and mushed the cake all over her face!!
And while she was standing there in shock, another cook poured a pitcher of water over her head and a dishwasher sprayed her in the butt with a hose.
She then proceeded to give said manager a big squishy hug.
Said manager is leaving us this saturday, and has warned us in advance that she plans on inciting a food fight! I will not miss this for anything. But I will bring a change of clothes...

I'm definitely not weird about being hit on. And, luckily, neither is my bf. We both come home and tell each other about the crazy things we've seen when being hit on. I love being hit on and he always likes when I come home and tell him all about it. I'm glad he's so relaxed about it, especially since I'm going to be a bartender... When I worked at my last job up at the bar, I used to get hit on all day long, and than quit, and saw my bf every day. So, getting hit on now, is really flattering. It's nice to know people think I'm hot. I'm really self-conscious, so, I need approval
Poker is easy, it's all mostly chance anyways. And, trust me, when you start losing, pay attention to why... and you'll get better. You should definitely stay after and play some co-worker poker
Yes, a cold
Love and kisses
Michelle xx