I got a brand new phone! Well actually no, I did the opposite. But it feels new.
Lemme explain.
My RAZR turned out to be the biggest piece of shit I've ever had the misfortune of owning. RIght from the beginning it had problems. The screen became gritty for no apparent reason, the menus were sluggish and unresponsive, the phone stopped accepting a charger, and worst of all it crashed like windows 95. All the time. Eventually it became literally impossible to charge the damn thing, and I got sick of it. Maybe the battery was dead, maybe the charger itself was to blame. But with all the other problems this shitty phone had, I doubt it. So I slammed that fucker on the kitchen counter, breaking the outer screen. It was a psycho moment and felt wonderful.
Lucky for me the inner screen still worked, so I transferred all my #s into my sim card, then put the card into my OLD phone, a Nokia 6010.
As soon as I turned it on, I realized what a wonderful decision I had made. This old unfashionable outdated piece of early '00s memorabilia was simply a phone. It didn't try to be a camera or an mp3 player or a personal organizer. It was just a phone and it did its job well. The battery lasts longer, the screen isn't all fucked up, and navigated through the menus is incredibly fast. Even texting is easier.
Why is it that technology gets more complicated but never more reliable? Remember old fasioned cable TV with that ugly brown box and all the switches? In the 80s? I long for those days. Comcast cable now is cool and all, what with its on demand stuff. But it crashes all the fucking time. And directTV? You can't watch it when it's raining! WTF is the point of having a TV then?
I say, corporations are simply trying too hard to provide us with novelties like cameras in our phones and 1000 channels on our tvs, and other bells and whistles, and trying to keep it cheaply made so they can enhance their profit margins. To a point where the bells don't ring and the whistles don't blow. And it fucking sucks.
Lemme explain.
My RAZR turned out to be the biggest piece of shit I've ever had the misfortune of owning. RIght from the beginning it had problems. The screen became gritty for no apparent reason, the menus were sluggish and unresponsive, the phone stopped accepting a charger, and worst of all it crashed like windows 95. All the time. Eventually it became literally impossible to charge the damn thing, and I got sick of it. Maybe the battery was dead, maybe the charger itself was to blame. But with all the other problems this shitty phone had, I doubt it. So I slammed that fucker on the kitchen counter, breaking the outer screen. It was a psycho moment and felt wonderful.
Lucky for me the inner screen still worked, so I transferred all my #s into my sim card, then put the card into my OLD phone, a Nokia 6010.
As soon as I turned it on, I realized what a wonderful decision I had made. This old unfashionable outdated piece of early '00s memorabilia was simply a phone. It didn't try to be a camera or an mp3 player or a personal organizer. It was just a phone and it did its job well. The battery lasts longer, the screen isn't all fucked up, and navigated through the menus is incredibly fast. Even texting is easier.
Why is it that technology gets more complicated but never more reliable? Remember old fasioned cable TV with that ugly brown box and all the switches? In the 80s? I long for those days. Comcast cable now is cool and all, what with its on demand stuff. But it crashes all the fucking time. And directTV? You can't watch it when it's raining! WTF is the point of having a TV then?
I say, corporations are simply trying too hard to provide us with novelties like cameras in our phones and 1000 channels on our tvs, and other bells and whistles, and trying to keep it cheaply made so they can enhance their profit margins. To a point where the bells don't ring and the whistles don't blow. And it fucking sucks.

I'm sure your phone is just fine without the one button...