Burning Man is getting closer! Hope the money thing works out. That is the only thing that could throw a wrench in the works if tickets sell out before I gets paid! Of course, as tends to be the case with Burning Man, letting go and trusting are the operative principles. I guess I better let my contract jobby jobs know that I'm going to...
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OK, I'm finding that I want to be more active in the groups that reflect my latest passions - namely sex, BDSM and motorcycles - so I'm going to start keeping up a little more in the blog and on the group boards.
So...where to pickup? How about a shameless mention of the fact that I love, love, love my bike (picture is in my...
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So...where to pickup? How about a shameless mention of the fact that I love, love, love my bike (picture is in my...
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You know how much these turn me on right. thanks for the shot!
I love you all and I'm proud to be a hoodie wearin' SG member, but life is just too busy for me to keep up on a very regular basis as far as posting goes. I will and do check in regularly, though.
Wow, didn't realize how long it's been since I updated. But then, the last six weeks have been little more than a blur of work, school and sleep. And it's looking like the last one might have to go.
I just got my packet with info on what to expect in Mac Genius training which I start next week in Cupertino.
"Apple is a business casual environment, so please feel free to dress casually. Jeans and tennis shoes are acceptable and the norm at Apple."
How awesome is that? I know a lot of folks wear whatever they want at work and I certainly...
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"Apple is a business casual environment, so please feel free to dress casually. Jeans and tennis shoes are acceptable and the norm at Apple."
How awesome is that? I know a lot of folks wear whatever they want at work and I certainly...
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Whoo hoo! I am no longer jobless. I am now officially a "Mac Genius" in Apple's Burlingame store! I was trying to get in at the SF store that opens in late Feb., but I guess I wasn't quite as genius-y as the other geniuses who applied there, but they liked me enough to slot me in Burlingame and I couldn't be happier!
I am now in limbo, waiting to hear about the job I interviewed for last week. Actually it was three interviews-one phone and two in person. All of which seemed to go well. I can't deny that I'm excited by the prospect of this particular job, but I'm trying to keep my expectations in check since there's no things. Wish me luck, though.
Thanks for the comments, LE & Kes. Believe it or not, the break up wasn't all that terrible. Things just kind of fizzled out and it hasn't been that big a deal. It's not the way I wanted things to be, by any means, but it wasn't a major drama or bad scene. And we're still friends, which is important to me. There's definitely love...
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Hi, I know I've been offline for awhile and I'm going to try to be a little more involved again. Things got a little weird there when my fiance broke up with me, but it's evening out again. Now I'm psyched because I have an interview for a job lined up this weekend that I'd be really excited to get. I'll post more if things...
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Aww, sorry about the fiance. That sucks. Did things work out there, or do you think it's better off not?
yikes!! i'm sorry that happened! i hope you are ok. take care of yourself.
There's a few rather stressful things going on right now. I don't know how diligent I'm going to be with keeping up here in the days ahead. I'll try to update if it feels right and I have the opportunity. Sorry if it seems cryptic, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment.
I can't believe I haven't updated since Halloween. How is it that I can be unemployed and yet still be so f-ing busy that the weeks fly by like this. I thought I was going to get to eat bon-bons and watch my stories all day.
so...what are you so f-ing busy doing??