just want to drop a note on everyone to check out the tampa label my friend bryon started. check out all these sweet releases by some new tampa bands and others. cds are out now, vinyl is out now also. merch prices are cheap so check out the site and get some shit.
Monikers - ex discount and kite flying society
New Bruises...
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Monikers - ex discount and kite flying society
New Bruises...
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how the hell is everyone doing out in naked punkrockland? hope all is well and the masturbation continues. i want a new puppie. know anyone with catahoula hounds in my area let me know. never heard of it? look it up that what this internet thing is for.
Happy Birthday! 

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks!
bbq for erocks b day today. sweet times hanging on the porch.
yes, good times indeed, sorry i didn't have more brew...
gimmie a fuck yeah? check out new bruises on my space.
Fuck yeah......damnit.
why thank you very much.
i havent slept in almost two days. now i have to go tot he post to send off e bay stuff.
sorry, i didn't get your message until this morning about the show on Friday, I probably could have gotten you in. TAAS were kick ass, the other bands, not so rad, haha... Fear Before were actually pretty good, but I like the guitar players voice better than the screaming singer, blah blah blah.
so i had a kick ass 31 b day party last night (friday) we had a full bar and madness ensued. John my roomie scored the bootie, which he hasn't scored in a very very very long fucking time. thank the forces. too bad to everyone that didn't make it. fuck em.
You going to These Arms Are Snakes this friday night? Sorry I missed your party, i was in NJ...
how is everyone? well i work to much. i got a bunch of rad new clothes during all the sales that have been going on. i got a sweet ben sherman track jacket and a micheal kors suit. plus some cool kenneth cole jeans. and some buffalo stuff. now i'm off to ross to find good stuff to resell on e bay. later.
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, baby! 

ahhhhmmmmm i have the following announcement to make.
i got engaged on sat night.
wedding to be sometime late fall early winter.
party very soon at our house.
sorry ladies. i am now permantly taken.
i got engaged on sat night.
wedding to be sometime late fall early winter.
party very soon at our house.
sorry ladies. i am now permantly taken.
Congrats! I saw your comment and I was like "OMG Shawn!!" But then I saw the picture, oh wait that's Glenn. Haha.
well, what can i say all is well with the new girlfriend. it's about time i met someone who's old like me and isn't all fucked in the head. pretty sweet.
hi how is everyone? things are going great here. miss you all.
from what old school in fort myers?
i'm from the medium school.
i'm from the medium school.
I'm just dropping by to say hello.

Castle tonight anyone? I'll be the pimp in the Pink Ben Sherman and silver tie. oh yeah dont for get the pink belt.
tanya came over and i cooked dinner last night and we watched Jersey Girl. she'd never seen it and quickly became a fan. I told her it was a great flick but refused to believe me till she saw it for herself. It's a kevin smith movie for christ sake. so as always i rule.
Good flick... so, I rule for agreeing.

yes you do for having good taste. how ya been? i thought you ran away.
LOL I'll think about it!