Last night I had a dream that I could travel through time. I went back again and again trying to right the wrongs that I've done and prevent some tragedies I've seen. Each time I just seemed to make everything worse. I woke up feeling guiltier than ever. Sometimes I wish I was one of those people that never remembers their dreams.
If I ever make it back that way I will keep that in mind.
I hardly ever remember my dreams. When I do they are pretty mundane. My mom always says that if you get to be old without a bunch of things you regret, that you didn't do enough living. So maybe regrets aren't such a bad thing.
Every time I turn around little girls are trying to sell me cookies.
I think it's a conspiracy to keep me fat.
I got a letter from one of my Aunts the other day. Took me a little by surprise, I think it's been at least a year since I got an actual letter from somebody. It was sort of nice.
This means the dreaded summer will be here all too soon. With it's heat, and it's humidity, and that large, bright, hot thing that hangs in the sky and mocks me with it...mockiness. Fuck, that sentence fizzled out there at the end.
Oh thank you. Yeah, I would hope if some of those get made, it's with real kid gloves. A book like Dishwasher is so dear to my heart for example, I would cry if it was bungled and mismanaged.
Maybe you guys can find a dubbed version of LTROI? I recommend it and I have never heard anything short of ravings for it. It's the only film I've ever seen that was gory and unethical but adorable. Really special. The book was decent as well.
She wants a Snuggie?! To be fair, it is cold up your way.
Hey, I believe men are at their prime in their 40s so no, you are not old. Hope you are feeling better and that the vitamin B12 is working it's miracle cure.
So as I've alluded to on occasion I have not been feeling like myself for quite a while now. Tired all of the time, short of breath, headaches, tingling in my hands and feet and just generally hurting a lot. And for a long time nobody seemed to be able to tell me what was going on.
And thanks!