I tried to throw a baseball today. First thing I've really tried to throw since I hurt my shoulder (4th degree ac separation) a little over a year ago. I knew it hadn't really healed as well as it should have. I didn't know how bad it was until today. I hope I didn't tear something again. Pretty sure I'm going to need surgery either way.
"The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway."
-Henry Boye
I really need to try to remember that. I have not been very good at compromise lately. Sometimes I wish I could start this year (decade? life?) over.
I'm tied of posting bad news. I'm not updating this again until I have some good news to report.

"The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway."
-Henry Boye
I really need to try to remember that. I have not been very good at compromise lately. Sometimes I wish I could start this year (decade? life?) over.
I'm tied of posting bad news. I'm not updating this again until I have some good news to report.
Things are on at sort of wonky times, but that's true of most Olympics. TiVo is always your friend, but for the Olympics moreso.
I want it to be 1990 again, to be particular. I'm with you.