Happy Birthday MaliceWithaSmile AKA Island_Spice. I hope that today was a good day for you. You were my very first "internet" friend. At a time when I really needed someone with a fresh perspective. I don't think you ever knew how much I appreciated your kind words and thoughtful advice. I miss seeing you around this place. And I wish I had gotten some contact information from you. I could use another friend right about now.
Monday November 6th.
It seems that lost friends and birthdays are much on my mind these days.
Two years ago on this day I was enjoying one of the best weekends of my life. With the best friend I have ever had. There seemed to be so much room for hope. A year later I thought I had nothing left but memories and regrets. I didn't know how much worse it could get. At least then I had some general idea of how and where she was. I knew how to get a message to her. I knew she was ok.
Today it seems that no one knows where she has gone. Or how she is. I can only hope that she is ok. And that wherever she is that she is happy.
Happy Birthday, Jen. I miss you.
Monday November 6th.
It seems that lost friends and birthdays are much on my mind these days.
Two years ago on this day I was enjoying one of the best weekends of my life. With the best friend I have ever had. There seemed to be so much room for hope. A year later I thought I had nothing left but memories and regrets. I didn't know how much worse it could get. At least then I had some general idea of how and where she was. I knew how to get a message to her. I knew she was ok.
Today it seems that no one knows where she has gone. Or how she is. I can only hope that she is ok. And that wherever she is that she is happy.
Happy Birthday, Jen. I miss you.
hmmm now I'm curious as to where you wished me a happy birthday!!! 

Since I almost never get good songs stuck in my head, I'd have to say that you aren't missing a thing.