Ok, so I lied. There was never any funny video. You guys should know me better than that. If it were not for the plethora of (mostly) not very entertaining videos posted all over the journals and threads on this and a few other sites I wouldn't even know that YouTube existed. Most of the time I wish that I didn't.
I still don't really have anything new to post. But I feel the need to update. So I am going to post an edited version of a rant I posted on another site a while back. Mostly edited for profanity. I'm not as angry as I was then and when I'm not angry I am generally not a fan of foul language. Well, it's fine for other people but not really my thing.
Anyway, for those of you for whom this is a repeat, I apologize. I'll try to make it up to you.
Ok so I probably won't really try, but it was a nice thought, wasn't it?
George Bush
I hate him. Of course I have never liked him. And over the years the reasons to dislike him have grown. The wars, whether they be on terror, drugs or porn, the stupid social blunders, the butchering of the English language were all bad enough. But now he has crossed the line.
The jerk took away my internet poker. Well not just him. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Jim Leach of Ohio (R) and appears to have been passed by both the House and Senate with little resistance.
I still blame Bush. He had the last chance to stop it.
I am also annoyed at the reasons given for the bill. Part of it seems to be just another example of the far right pushing their idea of morality off on others. Part of it seems to be the idea that they are somehow protecting people. I hate that paternalistic junk. And the hypocrisy behind it. You want to protect the poor and the middle class? Go after CEOs who make millions while losing their stockholders money year after year. And that's just the honest but incompetant ones. Not to mention the Ken Lays and Dennis Kozlowskis of the world. Make corporations pay their fair share. Set up a tax system that doesn't disproportionally punish the poor.
Worried about the morality of gambling? Then why are the state lotterries and the stupid scratch off tickets still legal? I guaranty you that the average american wastes far more money on them than they do on internet gambling. At least poker takes some skill.
But what really galls me is that some ex-cokehead former frat boy with the personality of a doorknob and the IQ of an iguana gets to try to dictate my morality or decide that I need to be protected from my own mistakes. If this moron had not been George Sr's son he'd be mopping the bathrooms at the local Y. Actually I kind of wonder if he even is. I never agreed with George Sr's politics, but the man was not an idiot. Maybe Barbara was banging the mailman. Seriously, for the people who voted for him...how could you? I can understand being a Republican. I tend to disagree with their beliefs but I have known and liked, even loved people who were. But how could you elect an idiot to office? How can you let that moron represent your party? It makes your party look as stupid as he is.
Ok, I realize that this is a little extreme. I mean it's just poker, right? Well when you have chronic insomnia and you get sick of surfing the rest of the internet in the middle of the night, being able to find a fast friendly low stakes game whenever you want is a blessing. And these cretins took that away from me. Why? They say it's because they are worried about the american family and the impact on the poor. Yeah, right. They just want to find a way to tax it. To get their piece. If they were really worried about the american family they would stop sending their sons and daughters off to die in a pointless war. And if they are worried about the poor there are better places to start. Like a higher minimum wage or a restructuring of the tax system. If they really are concerned with the money the poor spend on gambling then get rid of state lotteries, sratch off tickets, charity pulltabs and bingo. I guaranty all of those take a bigger chunk out of the pockets of the poor that internet gambling ever will. (just noticed this part is a little redundant, ah well, too lazy to change it now)
The whole thing makes me want to kick Georgie in the crotch. Repeatedly.
And I'm practically a pacifist. Really it has been years since I have raised a hand against anyone. Perhaps decades since I have done so in any way other than to defend myself or someone else.
What am I supposed to do now when I can't sleep?
Music - Kenny Rogers - The Gambler Ok, not really but it would have been appropriate, no?
Or maybe Lil' Waynes "Georgia Bush", not my kind of music but the man makes some good points.
Actually I am listening to Leaders by Katatonia. But only because my daughter plays her music kind of loud. Not that I mind. It's not bad.
I just realized that over a third of my friends list is gray or black. That is depressing. I wish I had contact information for more of them...
Monday 10:51pm
I just heard through the grapevine that an old friend of mine is moving back to Minneapolis. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Part of me thinks that it is a good sign. That her moving back here is an indication that she might be willing to pick up where we left off. The other part of me thinks that if this were true I would have heard that she is coming back from her. I hope the first part of me is right.
I miss her.
Thursday 11:35 pm
Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. I am so glad I decided to come back here.
I still don't really have anything new to post. But I feel the need to update. So I am going to post an edited version of a rant I posted on another site a while back. Mostly edited for profanity. I'm not as angry as I was then and when I'm not angry I am generally not a fan of foul language. Well, it's fine for other people but not really my thing.
Anyway, for those of you for whom this is a repeat, I apologize. I'll try to make it up to you.
Ok so I probably won't really try, but it was a nice thought, wasn't it?
George Bush
I hate him. Of course I have never liked him. And over the years the reasons to dislike him have grown. The wars, whether they be on terror, drugs or porn, the stupid social blunders, the butchering of the English language were all bad enough. But now he has crossed the line.
The jerk took away my internet poker. Well not just him. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Jim Leach of Ohio (R) and appears to have been passed by both the House and Senate with little resistance.
I still blame Bush. He had the last chance to stop it.
I am also annoyed at the reasons given for the bill. Part of it seems to be just another example of the far right pushing their idea of morality off on others. Part of it seems to be the idea that they are somehow protecting people. I hate that paternalistic junk. And the hypocrisy behind it. You want to protect the poor and the middle class? Go after CEOs who make millions while losing their stockholders money year after year. And that's just the honest but incompetant ones. Not to mention the Ken Lays and Dennis Kozlowskis of the world. Make corporations pay their fair share. Set up a tax system that doesn't disproportionally punish the poor.
Worried about the morality of gambling? Then why are the state lotterries and the stupid scratch off tickets still legal? I guaranty you that the average american wastes far more money on them than they do on internet gambling. At least poker takes some skill.
But what really galls me is that some ex-cokehead former frat boy with the personality of a doorknob and the IQ of an iguana gets to try to dictate my morality or decide that I need to be protected from my own mistakes. If this moron had not been George Sr's son he'd be mopping the bathrooms at the local Y. Actually I kind of wonder if he even is. I never agreed with George Sr's politics, but the man was not an idiot. Maybe Barbara was banging the mailman. Seriously, for the people who voted for him...how could you? I can understand being a Republican. I tend to disagree with their beliefs but I have known and liked, even loved people who were. But how could you elect an idiot to office? How can you let that moron represent your party? It makes your party look as stupid as he is.
Ok, I realize that this is a little extreme. I mean it's just poker, right? Well when you have chronic insomnia and you get sick of surfing the rest of the internet in the middle of the night, being able to find a fast friendly low stakes game whenever you want is a blessing. And these cretins took that away from me. Why? They say it's because they are worried about the american family and the impact on the poor. Yeah, right. They just want to find a way to tax it. To get their piece. If they were really worried about the american family they would stop sending their sons and daughters off to die in a pointless war. And if they are worried about the poor there are better places to start. Like a higher minimum wage or a restructuring of the tax system. If they really are concerned with the money the poor spend on gambling then get rid of state lotteries, sratch off tickets, charity pulltabs and bingo. I guaranty all of those take a bigger chunk out of the pockets of the poor that internet gambling ever will. (just noticed this part is a little redundant, ah well, too lazy to change it now)
The whole thing makes me want to kick Georgie in the crotch. Repeatedly.
And I'm practically a pacifist. Really it has been years since I have raised a hand against anyone. Perhaps decades since I have done so in any way other than to defend myself or someone else.
What am I supposed to do now when I can't sleep?
Music - Kenny Rogers - The Gambler Ok, not really but it would have been appropriate, no?
Or maybe Lil' Waynes "Georgia Bush", not my kind of music but the man makes some good points.
Actually I am listening to Leaders by Katatonia. But only because my daughter plays her music kind of loud. Not that I mind. It's not bad.
I just realized that over a third of my friends list is gray or black. That is depressing. I wish I had contact information for more of them...
Monday 10:51pm
I just heard through the grapevine that an old friend of mine is moving back to Minneapolis. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Part of me thinks that it is a good sign. That her moving back here is an indication that she might be willing to pick up where we left off. The other part of me thinks that if this were true I would have heard that she is coming back from her. I hope the first part of me is right.
I miss her.
Thursday 11:35 pm
Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. I am so glad I decided to come back here.

and i'm sure the cloud of blankness will pass eventually. it's not the first time it's darkened my skies, that's for sure.