sometimes it feels like i die when the world breathes. as chinua said, things fall apart.
dis par
i as i fall
ing back
i as i as i as i
and repeating
as i
as i
as i
and i as i find myself
dusted and disturbed
i falling back
and i fallin g... Read More
"your plain fat woman is fine. fat women are like clouds in the sky. they're just floating there, nothing to do with me. but your young, beautiful, fat woman is another story. i am demanded to assume a posture toward her. i could end up sleeping with her. that is probably where all the confusion comes in.
Done any travelling in Europe per chance? I'm trying to gather an extra week's worth of vacation to spend country-hopping over there once I'm done with Greece and the family.
there are currently 22 wars going on in africa, 4 of which have claimed over 800,000 lives. one of the local newspapers in vancouver, the province, ran the following headline yesterday: 'police shoot family dog'.
I honestly believe that the problem is most folks in countries that can affect change have never been to Africa, cannot picture what is going on or imagine the scope of it all, and thus have an easier time brushing it off.
My travels in the past two years have caused my attittude to take a 180 degree turn. I don't stand outside of Burger King with picket signs, but I try to educate my friends and family on what's going on "over yonder", and eliminate any false information they might have.
Even worse than the wars, however, is the death rate caused by HIV/Aids. That right there breaks my heart.
i haven't been around for a while. i've been in burma. no internet there. good an excuse as any. i'm now adjusting to live in the west after 19 months in asia. hopefully i'll stop eating cheese and a be productive member again shortly...
yeah...I am getting all the contract shit set the passport and may be getting the visa here...not sure.
If not...then I go into Japan for a day. I think my position starts in mid-late Feb....but I would be private tutoring until I get eased into my own classes.
What are your plans?
i've developed this theory about 'unconcious culture'. it makes sense right now, and considering that i'm shitfaced, i figured that i'd write it down so i'd remember. something to do with motorbikes in hallways and urinals. it's genius, trust me.
yeah, i'm familiar with carboot soul, but i don't own it--except for "nuit", which i have on a compilation. dabrye, and the ghostly label are based in the town where i live. good stuff! i don't know boulderdash, and couldn't find a sound clip for it....
i like your "into" list.
happy birthday suga