when once there was a little clinkety-clink I had that little noise in my hand-head. I ate it and it made me empty like a sad clown. A frowny clown. That which is is is is is not. I want all of you to know that the world is coming under my power. The reign of the beast began on November the seventh, in 1980....
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1. eat god, it has vitamins
2. shit god, it smells kinda funny kinda cool anyway
3. I own you
4. I do not exist
5. I am a purple cheese
2. shit god, it smells kinda funny kinda cool anyway
3. I own you
4. I do not exist
5. I am a purple cheese
1. So does cheese.
2. (See above)
3. (See above)
4. Neither does god.
5. (None of the above)
2. (See above)
3. (See above)
4. Neither does god.
5. (None of the above)
there was a time which was not
worship me, you wanker
worship me, you wanker
what is mind? it doesn't matter
what is matter? never mind
and no, i don't think i'll be worshipping anybody today, thank you very much
what is matter? never mind
and no, i don't think i'll be worshipping anybody today, thank you very much
all is i
...and I and I
Forever and whatever,
Forever and whatever,
For the last few years I've been taking classes at a community college. Sure it's college, but it never really felt like it. In a few days, I go away to real college. Soon, life will begin. Send me your bodily fluids. All of them.
Now just sit back and wish you were me.
Now just sit back and wish you were me.
alright, you should be receiving my fluids in 2-3 days, Priority Mail... good luck with college! are you going far away? will you still be here? are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? whoa...feeling a little woozy...bleeeechhh...maybe i shouldn't have replaced my bodily fluids with vodka....*slump*
youve been randomly slected as my new hello for the day... HI!
you looked a little frazzed - i think you needed this.
you looked a little frazzed - i think you needed this.

I strongly reccomend that you vomit my entrails before they poison you.
Stop reading my journal, it's having a negative influence on your brain. You thought it was only doing bad things to your conciousness, but it is in fact warping your fundamental neurological structure. doG put me here to spread mental disease. I am ordained by doG, Christ, and Horny Krishna to do my...
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Stop reading my journal, it's having a negative influence on your brain. You thought it was only doing bad things to your conciousness, but it is in fact warping your fundamental neurological structure. doG put me here to spread mental disease. I am ordained by doG, Christ, and Horny Krishna to do my...
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screw you, i paid for entrails, i'm keeping my entrails
I spent all day today thinking it was yesterday and dreaming about that woman. God, she makes me sick with her beauty. Give me lips or give me leprosy. She has the best lips I have ever seen.
Also, I'm listening to better music than you are.
Also, I'm listening to better music than you are.
don't you hate it when your acting normal and someone says."I'll have whatever he's having?"
No your not!
No your not!
rambling schizoid quasi-verbalizations are the true path
Fuck you and your ugly ape. Though my plans are still in the organizational faze, be well assured they are in progress. Rapid progress. God damn my brain feels good. I can hardly tell you what neuro-satisfaction is to be derived from full knowledge of immanent global control. Actually, it may not be global control. It may only...
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Fuck you and your ugly ape. Though my plans are still in the organizational faze, be well assured they are in progress. Rapid progress. God damn my brain feels good. I can hardly tell you what neuro-satisfaction is to be derived from full knowledge of immanent global control. Actually, it may not be global control. It may only...
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I should probably speak in a less authoratative way about things that are little more than my hobbies. And also I have a problem with being defensive about my ideas on the metaphysical. You see my mom ridicules me every day and I have a chip on my shoulder and I blame it all on her. I can't say I know what happens when I die or why I'm here or why the universe exists. I can only say that this or that seems more logical to me but it is only one possibility out of an infinite number. I suppose there might be something mystical about dreams, but again I can really only say it seems to me that there isn't. I shouldn't say there isn't cause there could be but this is just me being defensive because I am preprogrammed to have to be precise in my arguments and thoughts because if I show any doubt to the people that ridicule me they might think my argument is weak. This is something I am working on, and I didn't intend to come off this way in the journal. Oh and I guess I was going to smoke that bud anyway. ha
[Edited on Dec 24, 2002]
[Edited on Dec 24, 2002]
A bit of an explanation, and possibly a bit of aid in your endeavor: http://www.maakies.com/archive/m78.gif
Living is dreaming. Dreaming is dying. Life and death are the same thing, but only the lucky realize that before they die. After that they're dead which, as I've said, makes not much difference. You've got blinders on. So do I. If you and I are different it's only because I know about my blinders and you don't. If you know about them then you...
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Yes, it is that very same drawing. The shirt says "Torture Garden Tour." I got it at a record store I once worked at, a long time ago. Zorn and other locals would come in and do free shows for the customers... I'm thinking this was around '91 or '92...
Pardon me, I will go now and sit over here next to my boundless wrath. My boundless wrath is a nice guy. He says "fuck the world. it can eat it's own shit and then shit it out and eat it again." My boundless wrath said to me today "you know what we should do? we should go out and take peoples ears. We should...
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with monkey hand
shadows many universes
of all illness
leprosy is holy repast
drink my blood and body infected
by another smaller universe within universe
intersecting and mutating light
tripping on SGodsbloods
[Edited on May 09, 2003]