So, Round #2 went pretty well. We met up in Harvard Square, and of course, I was 20 minutes late. Damn T. Originally we had planned to go to a place called "Fire & Ice", but she called me before I got there and asked if we could change that plan. We decided to go to "Uno's" instead, which ended up helping me in the end, because my cash flow right now is non-existant, due to my damn car insurance...
Get this, earlier this year, I purchased a policy, and was informed that they don't allow monthly payments, and that I would end up paying in three installments. 30% the first time, 50% of the remainder for the second, and logically, the rest with the third. I agree with this plan of sorts, and made sure to put a certain amount of my paycheck(s) aside so I could pay for these installments. 3 months after my policy begins, I get the first bill. Everything's fine. A week after I sent out my first payment, I recieve the second. I'm a bit miffed, and call to inquire about this. They proceed to tell me that I can wait another 10 days to send my bill in if neccesary, and that my next one shouldn't arrive until after the New Year. I'm fine with that. Money became really tight, and I had to borrow some money to get by the past week. So, I sent out my second bill, and sure enough, I wake up Saturday morning to check the mail, and you guessed it, my third one arrived. I figured that with a year-long policy being paid in three installments, I would only recieve a bill every 3-4 months, not all three within a month or two. I'm calling once I wake up today to either staighten this out, or to find a new company to do business with.
So, back to the more important matters, my outing. She had a really bad day prior to out meeting, so things started off a little slow, but picked up a bit once we ate. I had no idea as to what we should do afterwards, and she suggested we check out a show at the OmniMax theatre. We ended up seeing a film called "Adrenaline Rush", which is about a group of thrill seekers (shydiving, base jumping and such) and how they wanted to try one of DaVinci's ideas that never came to fruition. It was entertaining, but just the fact that I saw it with her sitting next to me, our hands enclasped, with these beautiful skylines and landscapes in front of and above us, made it wonderful. Damn... I'm such a chump when it comes to this stuff.
We left and went out to her car, and talked while she drove me to the T-stop. And after a good-night kiss or two, she dropped me off, and I made my way home, yet again feeling like I was on top of the world.
So, today I went out shopping for Halloween stuff with BuckyKatt666. I ended up only purchasing some face paint, so I'm quite a bit behind with my costume. I still need to pick up some boots, a pair of tights (or tight pants), and a blonde wig. But, as I just noticed, the party we were going to attend may not be happening
I'll still try my best to pick up the rest of the outfit, so our tag-team of sorts will still make at least one appearance at ManRay this Wednesday.
I've been a bit depressed today. I've begun to notice everyone I'm surrounding myself with is an artist of sorts, and that I'm not. Some of them also are into politics, and again, I'm not. I sometimes feel inadequate, uneducated, and uncultured. Meh. I guess I must be bringing something to the table for these people to remain my friends. I'm guessing it's my sense of humor. I know that's one thing I have going for me.
Ugh... I'm off to bed. These feelings usually resolve themselves after a bit of the ol' shut eye. Adios.
Get this, earlier this year, I purchased a policy, and was informed that they don't allow monthly payments, and that I would end up paying in three installments. 30% the first time, 50% of the remainder for the second, and logically, the rest with the third. I agree with this plan of sorts, and made sure to put a certain amount of my paycheck(s) aside so I could pay for these installments. 3 months after my policy begins, I get the first bill. Everything's fine. A week after I sent out my first payment, I recieve the second. I'm a bit miffed, and call to inquire about this. They proceed to tell me that I can wait another 10 days to send my bill in if neccesary, and that my next one shouldn't arrive until after the New Year. I'm fine with that. Money became really tight, and I had to borrow some money to get by the past week. So, I sent out my second bill, and sure enough, I wake up Saturday morning to check the mail, and you guessed it, my third one arrived. I figured that with a year-long policy being paid in three installments, I would only recieve a bill every 3-4 months, not all three within a month or two. I'm calling once I wake up today to either staighten this out, or to find a new company to do business with.
So, back to the more important matters, my outing. She had a really bad day prior to out meeting, so things started off a little slow, but picked up a bit once we ate. I had no idea as to what we should do afterwards, and she suggested we check out a show at the OmniMax theatre. We ended up seeing a film called "Adrenaline Rush", which is about a group of thrill seekers (shydiving, base jumping and such) and how they wanted to try one of DaVinci's ideas that never came to fruition. It was entertaining, but just the fact that I saw it with her sitting next to me, our hands enclasped, with these beautiful skylines and landscapes in front of and above us, made it wonderful. Damn... I'm such a chump when it comes to this stuff.
We left and went out to her car, and talked while she drove me to the T-stop. And after a good-night kiss or two, she dropped me off, and I made my way home, yet again feeling like I was on top of the world.
So, today I went out shopping for Halloween stuff with BuckyKatt666. I ended up only purchasing some face paint, so I'm quite a bit behind with my costume. I still need to pick up some boots, a pair of tights (or tight pants), and a blonde wig. But, as I just noticed, the party we were going to attend may not be happening

I've been a bit depressed today. I've begun to notice everyone I'm surrounding myself with is an artist of sorts, and that I'm not. Some of them also are into politics, and again, I'm not. I sometimes feel inadequate, uneducated, and uncultured. Meh. I guess I must be bringing something to the table for these people to remain my friends. I'm guessing it's my sense of humor. I know that's one thing I have going for me.
Ugh... I'm off to bed. These feelings usually resolve themselves after a bit of the ol' shut eye. Adios.
halloween night and I can't find a goddamn party anywhere.