So, my monthly updates seem to have degenerated to annual. This is not good. Well, it is what it is. Last update was this time last year, when TheFuckOffGirl and I were about to head out on a week's holiday on isolated Kangaroo Island, off the coast of South Australia. It was warm but wind-blown and we walked on beaches and cooked each other food in our rented beach house and saw sea-lions and cliffs bashed by huge waves at the far end of the island and read books and watched on TV as the US Presidental election results came in.
This time, we're about to head off the US for a fortnight-and-a-bit. If you're in SF or NYC you likely already know we'll be coming, and I look forward to meeting those of you that I can.
I have been cajoled into updating more often. (To which I ask, why does anyone care? But, at the same time, it's either impolite of me, or else just boring, for me to be so slack.) So why haven't I?
The monthly blogs became regular updates-of-my-life-by-category. And it was a non-trivial task to think of what was happening in each category and make it sound interesting.
The problem has been, more and more of my life has been consumed by work, and not always in a way that made me happy, and not in ways I wanted to talk about here. SG became more and more of an "escape" where I didn't need to think too much about what else is nagging at me in my life. And I don't want to vent about it here. I like keeping SG life and day-to-day life a bit disconnected.
This isn't me whining, by the way, just reflecting on why I don't feel like I have anything worth saying on a regular basis. If I do get back to updating regularly, it might just be short entries containing trivial shit, whcih come to think about it, is probably just fine. Hey loook, funny Youtube video! That kind of thing.
But all in all, life is fine. The girl and I are very excited to be heading east and north over an ocean, and I'm very pleased at the chance to meet people from the site I like and admire.
So, until next we meet, or chat in here, or elsewhere, may I play some music for you?
This video makes me ridiculously happy. I found it by accident. It's The Breeders, doing Guided By Voices "Shocker in Gloomtown" in a shed, and the boys from GBV wander around outside the shed trying to see in. For some reason, I think that's brilliant.
I only found this video recently, but its from a CD I lost in a break-up years ago. I wonder why this wasn't some kind of a huge hit, because it seems to me it should have been.
I have become slightly obsessed with this video. Jesus Christ, what an amazing, captivating performer. I'm in awe evey time I watch this. I love how the whole video descends into chaos, all the way up to that final little pout. Swoon.
This is verging on magnificent. (The girl emailed me at work one day. All that was in the email was a link to this. Isn't she good to me?)
Maybe some travel pictures next update, yeah?
Take care.
This time, we're about to head off the US for a fortnight-and-a-bit. If you're in SF or NYC you likely already know we'll be coming, and I look forward to meeting those of you that I can.
I have been cajoled into updating more often. (To which I ask, why does anyone care? But, at the same time, it's either impolite of me, or else just boring, for me to be so slack.) So why haven't I?
The monthly blogs became regular updates-of-my-life-by-category. And it was a non-trivial task to think of what was happening in each category and make it sound interesting.
The problem has been, more and more of my life has been consumed by work, and not always in a way that made me happy, and not in ways I wanted to talk about here. SG became more and more of an "escape" where I didn't need to think too much about what else is nagging at me in my life. And I don't want to vent about it here. I like keeping SG life and day-to-day life a bit disconnected.
This isn't me whining, by the way, just reflecting on why I don't feel like I have anything worth saying on a regular basis. If I do get back to updating regularly, it might just be short entries containing trivial shit, whcih come to think about it, is probably just fine. Hey loook, funny Youtube video! That kind of thing.
But all in all, life is fine. The girl and I are very excited to be heading east and north over an ocean, and I'm very pleased at the chance to meet people from the site I like and admire.
So, until next we meet, or chat in here, or elsewhere, may I play some music for you?
This video makes me ridiculously happy. I found it by accident. It's The Breeders, doing Guided By Voices "Shocker in Gloomtown" in a shed, and the boys from GBV wander around outside the shed trying to see in. For some reason, I think that's brilliant.
I only found this video recently, but its from a CD I lost in a break-up years ago. I wonder why this wasn't some kind of a huge hit, because it seems to me it should have been.
I have become slightly obsessed with this video. Jesus Christ, what an amazing, captivating performer. I'm in awe evey time I watch this. I love how the whole video descends into chaos, all the way up to that final little pout. Swoon.
This is verging on magnificent. (The girl emailed me at work one day. All that was in the email was a link to this. Isn't she good to me?)
Maybe some travel pictures next update, yeah?
Take care.

Nice list. I was going to make a crack about the Magna Carta but I couldn't find a way to say it without being snide, which apparently is a cause for restraint now. Who knew?

Will do. Plans are likely to be short notice, but frequent.