Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
As I sit here, eating store brand potato skins (w/just a little margarine and black pepper), I realize how long it's been since I've updated. And I'm rather ashamed. It's not for lack of activity on the site, mind you, it's just been pretty run-of-the-mill as of late. Which isn't a bad thing.
I will say this, however...the weather better make up it's damn mind, because now I've got sinus congestion like a motherfucker.
For you kids that left words of encouragement in my last blog, thanks. Good to know other people recognize my occasional awesomeness as well.
Oh, here's something different...
Damn, what a sexy devil!
That's right, kids! Your Humble Narrator has taken another step into the 21st century and started hisself a Netflix account. Granted, I did it as one of several incentives to work on getting free golf clubs, but what the hell, right? I'm as much a movie geek as the next guy.
What's the very first movie, you ask?
If you make a documentary about video games, there's a damn good chance I'll watch it. I'll be sure to let you all know how I enjoyed it.
That's pretty much it for now, kids. I'll do my best to come up w/a more entertaining entry soon. As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...
As I sit here, eating store brand potato skins (w/just a little margarine and black pepper), I realize how long it's been since I've updated. And I'm rather ashamed. It's not for lack of activity on the site, mind you, it's just been pretty run-of-the-mill as of late. Which isn't a bad thing.
I will say this, however...the weather better make up it's damn mind, because now I've got sinus congestion like a motherfucker.
For you kids that left words of encouragement in my last blog, thanks. Good to know other people recognize my occasional awesomeness as well.

Oh, here's something different...

Damn, what a sexy devil!
That's right, kids! Your Humble Narrator has taken another step into the 21st century and started hisself a Netflix account. Granted, I did it as one of several incentives to work on getting free golf clubs, but what the hell, right? I'm as much a movie geek as the next guy.
What's the very first movie, you ask?

If you make a documentary about video games, there's a damn good chance I'll watch it. I'll be sure to let you all know how I enjoyed it.

That's pretty much it for now, kids. I'll do my best to come up w/a more entertaining entry soon. As always, I hope you are all well.

Stay tuned...
So has that whole disappearing posts been cured? I saw your post over in the bugs where it was brushed off as not a bug. I think I've posted that at least 4 or 5 times there, each time to no reply.