Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Well, it's the crazy day that only comes every four years, so I said to myself, "Self, why not write a quick blog to commemorate this occasion?"
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Why does thefreak talk to himself?" And I say to you in retort..."Hey, who's telling the story here, bitches?"
But I...
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Well, it's the crazy day that only comes every four years, so I said to myself, "Self, why not write a quick blog to commemorate this occasion?"
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Why does thefreak talk to himself?" And I say to you in retort..."Hey, who's telling the story here, bitches?"

But I...
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Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Wow, it's been two weeks to the day since I updated? That's very unlikely of me.
So, here's to new update!
What's been going on w/me, you ask? Well...
First off, my mini-vaca w/the visiting Sharona1881 was fun. Sushi was had (along w/my first taste of sake), as was burgers @Red Robin, as...
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Wow, it's been two weeks to the day since I updated? That's very unlikely of me.

So, here's to new update!
What's been going on w/me, you ask? Well...
First off, my mini-vaca w/the visiting Sharona1881 was fun. Sushi was had (along w/my first taste of sake), as was burgers @Red Robin, as...
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i did see the shirt, and have it bookmarked! it's great!
Don't cry Tommy Boy. It grows back.
Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Damn, is it Friday already? It's been a week since I last updated? Where does the time go, I ask you?
What to report? Hmm...
1. Work is work. This past shift was especially annoying. You'd think after almost 7 years @this job I'd understand the ineptitude of the general public...*shrugs* ah well, I...
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Damn, is it Friday already? It's been a week since I last updated? Where does the time go, I ask you?
What to report? Hmm...
1. Work is work. This past shift was especially annoying. You'd think after almost 7 years @this job I'd understand the ineptitude of the general public...*shrugs* ah well, I...
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As much as winter up there sucks . . . at least you have your upcoming trip to look forward to!
Gonna be in the 80s here today!
Gonna be in the 80s here today!

That x-ray brought back memories >.<
♥ you, darling.
♥ you, darling.
Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
How am I, you ask? Well, since you asked...
I'm doing OK. Barring this shitty weather we've had today, it's pretty much same old, same old. Been doing some video gaming as of late, including (finally) getting into the SNES cult classic that is Earthbound. Also, having seen some leaked info about Super...
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How am I, you ask? Well, since you asked...
I'm doing OK. Barring this shitty weather we've had today, it's pretty much same old, same old. Been doing some video gaming as of late, including (finally) getting into the SNES cult classic that is Earthbound. Also, having seen some leaked info about Super...
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Word to the wise - stay FAR away from Effexor, I've heard way too many horror stories. If you need happy pill advice I'll be more than happy to oblidge.
Or you and I could have our very own Wigstock for lifting of the spirits purposes.
Or you and I could have our very own Wigstock for lifting of the spirits purposes.

wasn't that great!
Hey, kids! It's a post-update birthday from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
First off, I want to thank everyone here for their b-day wishes. It's much appreciated.
Second, I'm sure you're asking, "How was your day?" Well...
Most of the day was pretty low-key. Stayed @home, browsed on SG (took over Silliness quite a bit, actually), got various texts, phonecalls, and messages on MySpace throughout the...
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First off, I want to thank everyone here for their b-day wishes. It's much appreciated.

Second, I'm sure you're asking, "How was your day?" Well...
Most of the day was pretty low-key. Stayed @home, browsed on SG (took over Silliness quite a bit, actually), got various texts, phonecalls, and messages on MySpace throughout the...
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What, to beat me up?
aw, happy belated birthday!
porque i'm having surgery monday. they're installing a heart.
porque i'm having surgery monday. they're installing a heart.
I can't believe I didn't have a computer to use to wish you a happy birthday yesterday!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
At least you know I was thinking it, love ♥
At least you know I was thinking it, love ♥
Hey, kids. Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak is back after a brief hiatus.
Here's the story...
Your Humble Narrator's been having some stuff stress him out as of late, so I decided I needed to go anon for a bit. After I got to work today (where I really didn't feel like being anywho), I decided to take some paid time to get the day off,...
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Here's the story...
Your Humble Narrator's been having some stuff stress him out as of late, so I decided I needed to go anon for a bit. After I got to work today (where I really didn't feel like being anywho), I decided to take some paid time to get the day off,...
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Happy Birthday! 

Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
How am I, you ask? Well, besides the fact my Interweb connection decided to crap out on me in the middle of writing this (had to unplug the modem and restart to get back on...it's been doing that more than I'd like as of late
), I'm pretty decent.
Well, as I mentioned in my...
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How am I, you ask? Well, besides the fact my Interweb connection decided to crap out on me in the middle of writing this (had to unplug the modem and restart to get back on...it's been doing that more than I'd like as of late

Well, as I mentioned in my...
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I hear that my friend.

oh god I miss cigarettes. I almost fell off the wagon... (twitch twitch)
Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
It's been a bit of busy time for Your Humble Narrator as of late. Some of it good, some of it not so much (more on that later). As for the rote stuff, work is the same, but going well, still getting the homestead clean little by little, still a big video game and Interweb...
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It's been a bit of busy time for Your Humble Narrator as of late. Some of it good, some of it not so much (more on that later). As for the rote stuff, work is the same, but going well, still getting the homestead clean little by little, still a big video game and Interweb...
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Aimee Teegarden, AKA Julie Taylor from the show Friday Night Lights. I don't know if she's been in anything else.
What kind of video games do you play?
Congrats on the promotion there, but just so we're clear chimps aren't monkeys.
HNY man, take care.

Dennys on a Xmas Day
. Thats the meal thats the king of kings
. I can't wait to head back over to the staes to get some....mmmmmmmmmmm
How are you doing sir?

How are you doing sir?

Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak (and the last for 2007).
Normally, I would start off w/how I've been as of late or say something funny, but please bear w/me as I feel the need to wax introspective...
2007 is almost gone, and while most of us will spend tomorrow drinking and ringing in the new year into the wee hours...
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Normally, I would start off w/how I've been as of late or say something funny, but please bear w/me as I feel the need to wax introspective...
2007 is almost gone, and while most of us will spend tomorrow drinking and ringing in the new year into the wee hours...
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OBAMA all the way~~! DId you ever see m old blog, entitled "Ann Coulter is a crackhead tranny whore?"

I have no lawn and live in a place owned by a retired cop. Feel free to crap where you may as the Mexicans in the neighborhood look on... 

Whereas Communism only works in theory, LoveLamp works always and productively.
Truth. Fact.