And HOLY SHIT, I didn't realize until just now that A. I haven't updated in 2 weeks, and B. I've made ONE(!!!) comment in over a week. My apologies to you, Gentle Reader. Things have been rather busy around here as of late.
First off, 2 days ago, I started my much-needed vacation. I...
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Not much going down on Your Humble Narrator's end. We managed to dodge the initial threat of a strike @VZ, though apparently the other union involved is getting a little antsy in the pantsy and will be walking if there's nothing on the table by weekend's end.'s hoping.
I hate to be a tease,...
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Wow, I realized it's been a week and a half(!!!) since I last updated. So, quick rundown as to what I've been up to.
1. Was Head Groomsman in my buddy Justin's wedding last weekend. Good times all around, and I was happy to do my part.

I tell ya, though...being a Mormon wedding,...
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Well, it's been 8 days since I went back to work, and it only took about half that long to make Yours Truly remember how much he needs a change. On many, many levels. There's been a lot of frustration. Financially, sexually, whathaveyou. Sorting it out and solving it is going to be interesting.
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P.S. I still want the present.

Robot Ninjas>>>Zombie Pirates
For those of you wondering, I continue to rest a little more each day, but that's coming to an end. I go back to work Monday afternoon. While I'm rather bummed to do so, I'm also kinda looking forward to it.
"Why," you ask? Well, Gentle Reader, it's mostly because my time on this here...
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As far as Zorn goes, some of his most famous work is also his best. My personal favorite is the Naked City series because of an excellent melding of Kraut Surf-Rock, Avant-Garde Jazz, Folk, and much, much more. The records in this collection are the eponymous Naked City, Torture Garden, Heretic, Leng Tch'e, Grand Guginol, Absinthe and Radio. If you download it, you download it but if you decide to buy it (it came out like 3 or 4 years ago so you can probably find it cheap) it has some really great notes and and a full booklet of great Japanese BDSM artwork and photographs that I think you would like.
Other Zorn albums I would recommend are; The Big Gundown ( I like Western movies and these are covers of Ennio Morricone scores), Spy vs. Spy ( These are Ornette Coleman covers), Bar Kokhba, The Circle Maker, and almost any Masada is worth listening to. I mean I love John Zorn so I think just about everything he's done is at least listenable, but I may be slightly biased. Hope these recommendations help.
First off, still hanging in there, still recuperating @home. I get to start going through all the follow-ups, as well as all the disability claim crap. FUN!
...or something.

Getting to be a little stressful, especially where I've been getting cabin fever like a mofo. Wouldn't mind a little couchside company from a ladyfriend...
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I don't even want to talk about the catheter they had to insert while I was under, due to whatever dumbass is responsible for not telling me to empty my bladder before I went under. The aftermath hurt, goddammit!
That's all for now. Just wanted to let you know I...
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Well, isn't life funny?
First off, for those of you wondering, the stuff I talked about previous has sorted itself out for the better. Not only that, I've had some civil and even friendly(!!!) conversations w/the ex @work this past week or so.
So, things are looking up for Your Humble Narrator, right?
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Best wishes! gonna send me a letter or a piece of your skin soon.

Yeah, I'm losin it.
No really...

Sadly, I feel like this entry will be nothing but me basically letting you all know I'm still alive. Yes, I've been that boring, pretty much. I'm sure other things may spring to mind. But that's what the Edit button is for, right?
Basically, I've just been keeping on keeping on where the personal stuff...
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How am I, you ask? Well, here goes...
On a personal note...the friendship w/Heather (aka the ex) is pretty much dead and done right now. Long story short (as I don't feel like getting into details)...I've made my mistakes, I've apologized for them, and I've worked on fixing them. But I'll be damned if...
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and i love Booger! i used to have a Who Farted? shirt, but i got drunk and lost it.