I have discovered that the reason the Resident Evil games are so successful is because they did a fantastic job setting the mood with music and sound effects. I've never played any of them before, but I found Resident Evil 4 in the game pile and figured I'd try it out.
It freaks me the fuck out.
The music is subtle, and lets you know whether or not you should be on guard. When there's nothing to worry about (meaning, when there is probably nothing hiding behind that building waiting to kill you), there's barely any music at all. That said, when it's quiet, my heart is still racing from when there were zombies lurking about, and the quiet is unnerving.
The storyline so far is so-so, the graphics are decent (creepy, but not the stuff of nightmares), and the gameplay is pretty easy once you get used to it -- but the music. That is the music that will haunt my dreams at night, I swear.
So, um... yeah, the 1 hour a day limit has not started, yet. I'm thinking it'll have to wait until I'm not on vacation and it's not rainy and gross. LittleFierceOne is napping, so there is nothing really to do but relax with the electronic media of my choice. I'm off tomorrow, but I'm going to try to get up super early, just for practice. I doubt it's gonna happen, but I'm going to try.
So, friends, what do you anticipate will be your biggest challenge this workweek? Mine will be getting up early and maintaining that awake-ness throughout the entire day. Also, not being able to munch on stuff whenever I feel like it.