I'm tired. I should be finishing up homework. But I really. don't. wanna.
Girlie night reminded me that women aren't all evil, catty, competition. It was a lot of fun - painting nails, doing hair, drinking champagne, and generally goofing off. And I kinda miss women, both in friendship (most of the friends I hang out with, now, are guys), and sexually. They're just so soft and sensual. I'm not sure I could ever handle dating a woman long term, but it's been a long time since I've fooled around with another woman, and only once was for reasons other than turning her boyfriend on. I'm all for threesomes, but I really don't wanna do all the work, you know? Especially not so that you can ignore me to go diddle your boyfriend. Hrmph. And the one time I had sex with a woman who was genuinely attracted to me was an amazing experience. Don't get me wrong, I do love men (mmmm, h0t s3x), but women are just... different. Not really better, overall, but in some aspects having sex with a woman is more satisfying than with a man, and vice versa.
There was no sex on girlie night, of course, but being around beautiful ladies (Persephoenix, Flux and Schiavona's wife, oh my!) sparked the desire. It's been a while since I pursued a woman, mostly because I'm pickier with them, and also because I'm less experienced and so tend to wait for her to show interest in an obvious way (such as saying, "Hey, I'd like to fuck you."). I do have to say, though, it is a strange feeling to be teaching a room full of impressionable first graders with some of the thoughts that were running through my head, today. It's a good thing they can't read minds.
Speaking of teaching - I taught my first lesson, today, and it was awesome. I love this job so much. I wish I could do it and only it, rather than all this methods bullshit. I'm getting useful information, but it's not worth the time I'm putting into it, and I would so much rather be planning lessons and spending time getting to know my students. But, in January I will see my little darlings daily, and that is the point of all this crap, so - onward!
Also, today is LittleFierceOne's birthday. It's almost over, I suppose, but go wish him a happy day, anyway. I know he'll appreciate it. We didn't do much, because of school, but we did have awesome dinner with a friend who is moving to Idaho at the end of the month. Sad, but good for him... hopefully, we'll get to party before he leaves.
This was a bit long-winded... which wasn't my intention. I guess I'd better get back to work!
Girlie night reminded me that women aren't all evil, catty, competition. It was a lot of fun - painting nails, doing hair, drinking champagne, and generally goofing off. And I kinda miss women, both in friendship (most of the friends I hang out with, now, are guys), and sexually. They're just so soft and sensual. I'm not sure I could ever handle dating a woman long term, but it's been a long time since I've fooled around with another woman, and only once was for reasons other than turning her boyfriend on. I'm all for threesomes, but I really don't wanna do all the work, you know? Especially not so that you can ignore me to go diddle your boyfriend. Hrmph. And the one time I had sex with a woman who was genuinely attracted to me was an amazing experience. Don't get me wrong, I do love men (mmmm, h0t s3x), but women are just... different. Not really better, overall, but in some aspects having sex with a woman is more satisfying than with a man, and vice versa.
There was no sex on girlie night, of course, but being around beautiful ladies (Persephoenix, Flux and Schiavona's wife, oh my!) sparked the desire. It's been a while since I pursued a woman, mostly because I'm pickier with them, and also because I'm less experienced and so tend to wait for her to show interest in an obvious way (such as saying, "Hey, I'd like to fuck you."). I do have to say, though, it is a strange feeling to be teaching a room full of impressionable first graders with some of the thoughts that were running through my head, today. It's a good thing they can't read minds.

Speaking of teaching - I taught my first lesson, today, and it was awesome. I love this job so much. I wish I could do it and only it, rather than all this methods bullshit. I'm getting useful information, but it's not worth the time I'm putting into it, and I would so much rather be planning lessons and spending time getting to know my students. But, in January I will see my little darlings daily, and that is the point of all this crap, so - onward!
Also, today is LittleFierceOne's birthday. It's almost over, I suppose, but go wish him a happy day, anyway. I know he'll appreciate it. We didn't do much, because of school, but we did have awesome dinner with a friend who is moving to Idaho at the end of the month. Sad, but good for him... hopefully, we'll get to party before he leaves.
This was a bit long-winded... which wasn't my intention. I guess I'd better get back to work!
I definitely am up for several study days/nights this week. I won't be studying for the most part, but I can certainly read quietly while others study. And, of course, I love to see you guys. Always. Just call me whenever you want to come over, no prior planning necessary. And I'm all over encouraging LFO. He's an important part of our life and I want to help him along. I know he can do this, just getting past some old history and on to making new and better...well, history, I guess.
And you too, of course.
Are we going to try and do something special for LFO's b-day? Maybe, at the least, dinner? And, maybe, a little gift for him, if you could help me out with an idea.
I love you. And miss you.