Hey thanks so much for all the birthday wishes! 35 was a tough one at first cause as I approached it I realized the million and one unrealistic goals Id set for myself in the back of my head, things I was supposed to have done by the time I turned this age (you know, have published 3 books, had at least one major museum retrospective, etc. despite the fact Ive never written a book and havent made sculpture since I left NYU 13 years ago!) But then I chilled out and I had a fucking fabulous time (despite the fact none of my 3 siblings called me or sent a card or nothingboo hoo)
The b-day itself was fabulous as it coincided with the Sub Pop Anniversary show James from the Shins, Sam from Iron And Wine, the Constantines, Thermals, Rosie Thomas, Kinski all new or old friends, all played really well, everyone knew it was my b-day and they even fucking announced it from the stage at one point which made me cringe and say fuck you on the outside while secretly totally enjoying that, of course.
My three newest crushes were all there: The voluptuous Samantha from Be Good Tanyas who held my hand for a full minute at one point in the eve; the amazing and more than talented Jolie Holland; and this really smart and to-die-for cute girl named Megan who waitresses at my favorite crepe joint in town, who I asked out to the show that very morn while at brunch with some pals I hope to take her to the Dirty Three this Fri. and I mean that in every possible meaning you can think of
On Friday night, Colin from the Decemberists gave me a burn of 4 solo songs for YETI CD consideration and theyre 3 covers and one original, all lo-fi and just amazing since his voice sits somewhere in-between Jeff Mangum, Robyn Hitchcock, and Elliott Smith in the nasal-but-gorgeous vein. The song I keep listening to over and over again today is his cover of a Smiths song, Everyday is like Sunday and its amazing. I never liked the Smiths back in the day they just were too affiliated with goth-dom for me and I was TOO COOL for that (lob your rotten French fries or whatever pasty food it is goths eat at me right now). Anyway Ill post the lyrics here and go buy a Smiths CD after work. Aight? Never too late to atone for past mistakes.
Trudging slowly over wet sand/ Back to the bench where your clothes were stolen
This is the coastal town/ That they forgot to close down/ Armageddon - come Armageddon!/ Come, Armageddon! Come!
Everyday is like Sunday/ Everyday is silent and grey
Hide on the promenade/ Etch a postcard:/ "How I Dearly Wish I Was Not Here"/ In the seaside town/ ...that they forgot to bomb/ Come, Come, Come - nuclear bomb
Everyday is like Sunday/ Everyday is silent and grey
Trudging back over pebbles and sand/ And a strange dust lands on your hands/ (And on your face...)/ (On your face ...)/ (On your face ...)/ (On your face ...)
Everyday is like Sunday/ "Win Yourself A Cheap Tray"/ Share some greased tea with me/ Everyday is silent and grey
The b-day itself was fabulous as it coincided with the Sub Pop Anniversary show James from the Shins, Sam from Iron And Wine, the Constantines, Thermals, Rosie Thomas, Kinski all new or old friends, all played really well, everyone knew it was my b-day and they even fucking announced it from the stage at one point which made me cringe and say fuck you on the outside while secretly totally enjoying that, of course.
My three newest crushes were all there: The voluptuous Samantha from Be Good Tanyas who held my hand for a full minute at one point in the eve; the amazing and more than talented Jolie Holland; and this really smart and to-die-for cute girl named Megan who waitresses at my favorite crepe joint in town, who I asked out to the show that very morn while at brunch with some pals I hope to take her to the Dirty Three this Fri. and I mean that in every possible meaning you can think of
On Friday night, Colin from the Decemberists gave me a burn of 4 solo songs for YETI CD consideration and theyre 3 covers and one original, all lo-fi and just amazing since his voice sits somewhere in-between Jeff Mangum, Robyn Hitchcock, and Elliott Smith in the nasal-but-gorgeous vein. The song I keep listening to over and over again today is his cover of a Smiths song, Everyday is like Sunday and its amazing. I never liked the Smiths back in the day they just were too affiliated with goth-dom for me and I was TOO COOL for that (lob your rotten French fries or whatever pasty food it is goths eat at me right now). Anyway Ill post the lyrics here and go buy a Smiths CD after work. Aight? Never too late to atone for past mistakes.
Trudging slowly over wet sand/ Back to the bench where your clothes were stolen
This is the coastal town/ That they forgot to close down/ Armageddon - come Armageddon!/ Come, Armageddon! Come!
Everyday is like Sunday/ Everyday is silent and grey
Hide on the promenade/ Etch a postcard:/ "How I Dearly Wish I Was Not Here"/ In the seaside town/ ...that they forgot to bomb/ Come, Come, Come - nuclear bomb
Everyday is like Sunday/ Everyday is silent and grey
Trudging back over pebbles and sand/ And a strange dust lands on your hands/ (And on your face...)/ (On your face ...)/ (On your face ...)/ (On your face ...)
Everyday is like Sunday/ "Win Yourself A Cheap Tray"/ Share some greased tea with me/ Everyday is silent and grey
Hey, no fair working your mojo like that while I was all sorts of unaware.
happy late birthday!!