I went to Dita von Teese's book signing yesterday, she is sooo nice. She commented on my shoes tee heer. (In a good way). I of course being lame didn't take pics with a digital camera. frown Alas, no I must go to kinko's... Lame . I am so sick, I have been throwing up constantly...That is just no fun.

Bye bye kiss
I agree with mamet.

Also, in case nobody told you this yet, SG has a convention where when someone comments in your journal, you reply in theirs. That way, they can see immediately, instead of having to check (which involves remembering your name right, for a start... wink ).

And, welcome to SG.

I do not waste my time with grammer for internet threads.

What you're doing here is wasting our time, trying to understand what you typed. This will not win friends or influence people.

Not in a positive way, anyhow.

I admit I cannot type, that does not make my claim invalid.

Indeed. But it does make it much less likely to be read.

So I am currently searching for a photo pf myself that I like for my profile page, but to no avail. I have sucha picky self Image. It is a desguise for an incresing vanity that I feel more and more everyday. I try not to beat myself up about it. Ha ha ha, Wow so this is my first journal entry well Gee aint...
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