How many true friends do you have? I mean, you could call them up at this very instant, say "I need to talk to someone, meet me at such-and-such a place," and they WILL be there. One? None? Ten?

It's been on my mind, people, it's been on my mind....

I guess my expectations aren't realistic, but I'd like to have some more people like...
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My body is a caaa-aaaage.... Damn it-- finally got to work out with my new soccer team, and the Calf From Hell went out on me again. At this rate, I'm going to miss at least half of the season. Very, vry frustrating, as I am a guy who is almost never injured, and who stretches more than Sasha Grey before a day of filming....
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This might be the dumbest post ever, but what kind of pizza is the most satisfying: oven-baked high-quality ingredients, but light on portions; huge, thin-crust NY style; or super-thick stuffed pizza with the sauce on top? I just had the fancy-schmancy kind, which was awesome-- but no leftovers. Sadness.

Yes, I have no life, you don't need to tell me. But it's better than worrying...
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Still recording and I am off to saw logs....
I got what you were getting at right after I logged off last night....I probably would have been chased by a Dalek rather than Rose Tyler frown
Alright, I'm gonna make an honest attempt to blog somewhat regularly now. Latest developments: the soccer team fucking happened! I can't believe it. A lot of random people showed up, we threw our temporary jerseys on, and people just ran out and played their ass off. Considering the fact that a lot of us didn't know each other, we played pretty well. I'm proud of...
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Like my job. Hate my social life. Enamored of my new apartment. Hate my malfunctioning innards. Dig groovy chicks. Fucking hate monster-truck-driving asshole Republicans. That is all, Sir or Madam. For today.
Jeezus. I guess things can turn around. Just when you think no one knows you're alive, suddenly people or calling on your phone and knocking on your door. I guess it's all about being ZEN. Which is shorthand for "I kinda give a shit about everything, but I kinda don't give a shit about anything." That's my eloquent way of putting it.

School stuff starts...
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They might actually enjoy the thought of that. Or be like "Oi! I'm gonna redecorate that bastards apartment myself!" and bash it to pieces in the name of rock.
Let's be real. First they'd tell me how cool it was. Then, they'd steal the singles and piss on my couch.
Good Christ. I'm suffering from cognitive dissonance. I just realized I have two active memberships. It's too confusing and boring to go into, suffice to say that those of you to whom I've written requesting a friendship-- hey! we're already friends. In a way. I'm gonna try and combine the accounts if I can. I almost want to get rid of these old posts-- they...
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I'm back; after about a year of getting over a break-up, losing my mom and turning 40, I feel like I've been through the ringer. And I guess I have. Now I need to begin making friends again and getting out. Sheesh, all my SG friends disappeared when my membership lapsed, as did my wunnerful-- if brief-- blogs.

Gotta get going again.

Easy does it...
Yeah, a year. I'm a sensitive soul (read: total emotional pussy). I'm still not totally over her, but I'm functional at least. Want. New. Girlfriend.

You should just Nair your entire body for complete emotional cleansing. It will look as scary as shit, but man! imagine the sense of well-being.

I'm going to send a request to add you to my friend-pelt. You seem like a good egg, despite the nickname!
I'm a good dozen eggs. The nickname is the name of a De/vision song. Great synthpop music. I care, but sometimes I get walked all over, hence the uncaring. And man, it'll probably take me a year to get over the ex. I talked to her again last night and I practically begged her to come back, but she wants to see where this new direction in life will take her. Screw her I guess. BUT, check my blog for the next chapter of this drama. Unbelievable. And thanks for being a new SG friend. Can never have enough of those!
Sitting here at 11:22 watching Suicide Girls the First Tour; blogging; and thinking again about how weird life is. Thank God for distractions I guess. My mother passed away on Monday night, with my sisters and I around her. The cause was Alzheimer's. And here I am almost a week later, posting on my little blog, in my little room in Santa Rosa. The street...
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Please accept my sincere condolences.
I'm sorry for your loss. Sometimes going forward is all we've got.
What is it about dreams? I finally feel that I'm getting happy again; but I keep having vivid dreams of my ex. And this has only been the last few weeks that this has happened! Is my sadness moving to my subconscious, or what? I don't undersand it; and I wish the dreams would stop.frown I need new people to dream about, I guess. A...
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Ugh, I stil have frequent dreams of my ex, 5 years after that. But here's some info from my favorite dream dictionary/site, the only one that I don't think is stupid: http://dreamdoctor.com/definitions/ex-lover.html?phpMyAdmin=29c2328cc73b8ed64ba7f78bbbec0416
I finally saw the Church a couple of days ago. They've been a favorite band of mine since high school, with dreamy psychedelia and moody pop songs that appeal to me like a muthafucka. I've always had the image of them as somewhat dour, but they were yucking it up on stage, amusing themselves and the audience. I think they've reached that stage where they...
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