just got back from hawaii yesterday. man, do i miss that weather. right now i'm eliminating all traces of myself from the psych lab on campus and packing up all my stuff. i'm sad to be leaving caifornia, especially san francisco.
but... i'm on to bigger and better things... or so i tell myself. madison or bust!
i saw napoleon dynamite last week... warning, i'm spoiling it for you if you haven't seen it. i was disappointed, but then i realized it as a film in collaboration with MTV and was rated PG and i guess it was one of the better-ish MTV movies. i just felt that all the time they spend on the atmosphere and getting all the little details of the setting precise could have been better spent on the plot/story line. it had the potential to so much more darker and deeper. it seems as if they shot a shite load more, but for some reason didn't show it. none of the charatcers were well developed and finally, where the fuck did that Native American woman at the end come from?!? my disappointment was in the superficiality of it all and with that being said, i think that you should go see it for yourself. this movie reminded me of big fish (tim burton). i didn't particularly like it, but i'm glad i saw it anyway because the cinematography was awesome. what did you think?

i saw napoleon dynamite last week... warning, i'm spoiling it for you if you haven't seen it. i was disappointed, but then i realized it as a film in collaboration with MTV and was rated PG and i guess it was one of the better-ish MTV movies. i just felt that all the time they spend on the atmosphere and getting all the little details of the setting precise could have been better spent on the plot/story line. it had the potential to so much more darker and deeper. it seems as if they shot a shite load more, but for some reason didn't show it. none of the charatcers were well developed and finally, where the fuck did that Native American woman at the end come from?!? my disappointment was in the superficiality of it all and with that being said, i think that you should go see it for yourself. this movie reminded me of big fish (tim burton). i didn't particularly like it, but i'm glad i saw it anyway because the cinematography was awesome. what did you think?

Good luck with the move. Where are you headed?
You could've said hi, though. All of my coworkers - at least in my department - know about SG. But I always feel like I look awful at work, so I probably would've been embarrassed.