yep, it's official, grad school runs my life... here's the update
broke off with 6 year relationship
found a 20 year old to be my friend (with benefits)
went to the bahamas with 2 single girls in my same situation
made out with random boys... broke a couple hearts
sorry so short, i just cancelled my suicide girls account today. if you want to get...
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broke off with 6 year relationship
found a 20 year old to be my friend (with benefits)
went to the bahamas with 2 single girls in my same situation
made out with random boys... broke a couple hearts
sorry so short, i just cancelled my suicide girls account today. if you want to get...
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Grad school runs your life . . . or ruins your life. Sounds like you're in a major transitional period. I wish you all the best. Take care of yourself.
i never felt like i was in grad school until, oh, about 5 weeks ago... it's been non-stop ever since. my head hurts...
i'm apply for an NSF grant, deadlines tomorrow... i usually love to swin around in my nerdiness, but right now, that shit is not cute.
i'm happy about the weather though... it reminds me of sf.
i'm apply for an NSF grant, deadlines tomorrow... i usually love to swin around in my nerdiness, but right now, that shit is not cute.
i'm happy about the weather though... it reminds me of sf.

Good luck on getting the grant!
As for the weather, I wish for more snow - I'm sorry, but I love the cold and I love having the ground covered in a foot of snow. I guess that's what happens when you're born and raised in Wisconsin.
As for the weather, I wish for more snow - I'm sorry, but I love the cold and I love having the ground covered in a foot of snow. I guess that's what happens when you're born and raised in Wisconsin.

Wow. An update!
Heh. Its in the 20s today . . . you still happy about this weather?

Heh. Its in the 20s today . . . you still happy about this weather?

why does pale boy + tattooes + black t-shirt = HOT!!! why do you torment me so!
i just downloaded adobe photoshop, so i'm going to try and fix all my pictures so that i can post them.
halloween in madison was ridiculous. the vibe is a little more rowdy than in san francisco and people are definitely more distructive. all in all, it was...
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i just downloaded adobe photoshop, so i'm going to try and fix all my pictures so that i can post them.

halloween in madison was ridiculous. the vibe is a little more rowdy than in san francisco and people are definitely more distructive. all in all, it was...
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You're in Madison. I'm in Madison. Through some SG mis-click, I wound up here. Hi.
P.S. I'm not some creepy internet stalker trying to get to your sweet pirate booty. I'm married, if that eases the thoughts of being thrown into a van and tied to the floor. Gotta go.
P.S. I'm not some creepy internet stalker trying to get to your sweet pirate booty. I'm married, if that eases the thoughts of being thrown into a van and tied to the floor. Gotta go.
pale boys are always so damn tattoos or piercings plus anything black definitely is equal to hawt

John Kerry conceded... this morning. Even after Edwards said that they wouldn't until EVERY vote was counted. EVEN though New Mexico, Iowa or OHIO have not been called. I literally cried when I heard on Air America (radio station) and I woke people up in California crying. What the fuck....

I didn't cry. I just started drinking heavily.
I'm a libertarian, though, and I know that I'll never have the President I want during my lifetime. So I'm damned either way. More beer, wine and liquor down the hatch!
[Edited on Nov 03, 2004 10:41PM]
I'm a libertarian, though, and I know that I'll never have the President I want during my lifetime. So I'm damned either way. More beer, wine and liquor down the hatch!
[Edited on Nov 03, 2004 10:41PM]
I was on the verge on tears, though I didn't vote in the States. Well, that's democracy and we've got to live with it and never give up hope...
today = beautiful... i'm going to outside as much as possible... if you see a girl with a kick ass red san francisco long sleeve shirt that's me... HOLLA!

Hey you!
Unfortunately I won't be able to come down on State St.; me and my roommate have to spend most of our Halloween cleaning up our old place for the new residents to move in the next day.
Maybe some other time I'll drive down to Madison and party - but have fun on Halloween
Unfortunately I won't be able to come down on State St.; me and my roommate have to spend most of our Halloween cleaning up our old place for the new residents to move in the next day.

Maybe some other time I'll drive down to Madison and party - but have fun on Halloween

Where the fuck did fall go? It seems like as soon as the leaves turned colors they where blown and rained off the trees... and it's COLD.
Eventful weekend Wisconsin style: Went apple and pumpkin picking at the Eple Gaarden in Fitchburg. My friends were making fun of me because I wasn't in flannel or wool. It was apple-tastic! I also went to the Central...
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Eventful weekend Wisconsin style: Went apple and pumpkin picking at the Eple Gaarden in Fitchburg. My friends were making fun of me because I wasn't in flannel or wool. It was apple-tastic! I also went to the Central...
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What up girl?

I still have your old South Park self on my website somewhere.
I think Talia's stalking me. She was at a Chasing Amy event tonight.
heh. So was Jen, that chick I hated.
I think Talia's stalking me. She was at a Chasing Amy event tonight.

This weekend was one of the better weekends. Saturday I got massive amounts of studying done (whoo hoo!) and went to the DJ Scratch Off Competitions at the Union Theater. I met lots of great people and even got to make out - yay making out! I'm so easily amused. Today was a beautfiul day and all the Madsionites tried to convince me that this...
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Fall is the best season of the year in my opinion. The trees are gorgeous, I love the cold, I love the atmosphere overall. I drove through Wisconsin over the weekend and it was a very pretty drive, I felt like I was in some sort of calendar photoset or something.
You have awesome taste in everything! 

today i went with my friend on a bike ride... a 20 fucking mile bike ride. this exchange describes my situation...
friend: where the fuck were you all day?
me: i went on what i thought was a 13 mile bike ride and actually it was more like 20...
friend: that's not so bad!
me: if you fucking RIDE a bike!
yeah, so i'm not...
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friend: where the fuck were you all day?
me: i went on what i thought was a 13 mile bike ride and actually it was more like 20...
friend: that's not so bad!
me: if you fucking RIDE a bike!
yeah, so i'm not...
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Geez, that line must get the ladies every time. What a sly mother fucker!
My friends keep wanting me to go "drunken biking" with them. Basically, on a Friday or Saturday night my friends bike out on a country trail at 10pm or 11pm and bring some liquor strapped to the back of their bike. As the night goes on, they get more drunk and by the time they're halfway through the trail they can hardly keep their balance. I've been declining their offers
Have a great week!
My friends keep wanting me to go "drunken biking" with them. Basically, on a Friday or Saturday night my friends bike out on a country trail at 10pm or 11pm and bring some liquor strapped to the back of their bike. As the night goes on, they get more drunk and by the time they're halfway through the trail they can hardly keep their balance. I've been declining their offers

Have a great week!
right, so just as i came to write a new journal entry yesterday, i realized it was oct. 2 and i still didn't pay rent. oops! luckily, the landlord lives right around the block from me and ran right over.
today it's work, work and more work...
today it's work, work and more work...

That's good the landlord is so close to you. One time I turned in rent a half day late and I got fined for it - some landlords are dicks that way. My current landlord's the bomb though; she really relaxed and cool.
What kind of job do you have?
What kind of job do you have?
thank fuck it's friday...

everyday feels the same for me. i guess that's what happens when you work from home though.
Preach it sistah.