…after a good number of years as "nodawn", I thought it was time to switch it up to be more cohesive with other accounts such as my instagram (@TheAnthonyHall), my website (www.TheAnthonyHall.com), my real frickin' name, for fucks sake… haha! No need to hide my identity, really. It's the same on twitter, but I probably haven't used it in over a year, and also my Zivity account name. I'm not super consistent with activity on there either, but I do posts sets from time to time.
The small handful of people I truly know on here shouldn't be confused, because, well, you know me. Hopefully you newer friends will catch on quickly. It's pretty simple really.
Sometimes, I feel like I should have went with my real name here on SG. I have no reason to hide my identity either. But Iggy it is and Iggy it shall remain...
@iggy I feel like it makes a little more sense for the models on here; but as a photographer, I no longer feel the need or desire to separate what I do here from any other aspects of my work/life. The people who would judge me for it and care I'd probably just as soon not work with anyway.