If any of my UK based friends on here are members of the SGUK group please could you go and vouch for me as I'm trying to join it.....

Cheers lovies =)
Hey look at that, your from Norwich!
Did you find out about the SG tat = free membership? Because I think it has to be at least 3inches by 3inches and you have to take lots of pics of it from different angles then send it to sean - I think whatever
So I won a 28" widescreen TV on Ebay on Tuesday for 20 to use in my games room, I was well pleased. I had to drive 15 miles to go collect it, then I got it home and set it down on my lounge floor but it was a bit wonky on the floor. My two kittens started sniffing it and then the big...
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hope millie is better soon, plenty of cage rest and she'll be back to her old self in no-time
I have never really given slayer a chance, I always thought they were gunna be a bit cheesy but I got a Marshall Amps DVD the other day and Kerry King was on there and he can fucking riff like a good'un. This peaked my interest and then I got a CD on a magazine and it had Black Magic by Slayer on it and...
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So if I get the SG logo tattoo'd somewhere about my person I get free membership for life right?
I'm a bloke so where can I get it done without it looking weird? Remember I get naked in front of about 20 other blokes every Saturday afternoon wink
Also, who do I tell and how do I prove it so that I actually get the free...
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I'm getting a new tattoo on Saturday. I have this horrible big black tribal thing which is a cover up of a horrible design done by a tattoist with 1 eye. I didn't know the guy only had 1 eye until after wards.......
Anyway, Ash from Custom Art Tattoo's in Norwich (plug, plug) reckons she can save my arm and draw pretty pictures on it....
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So I started my stretch on my left ear lobe today.
I sat in the bath and pushed a 1.6mm labret stud through.
It took me an hour.
Manly =)