We most become better if we want the world to become better!




Parce qu’en bout de ligne, tu ne te rappelleras pas du temps que tu as passé à travailler au bureau ou à tondre ton gazon. Grimpe cette foutue montagne! - Jack Kerouac

Porque finalmente, tu no recordarás del tiempo que tu hayas trabajado o a cortar el césped. ! Escale esa maldita montaña! - Jack Kerouac

Hello you!
Have you ever wondered why certain things are as they are in your work environment or simply in life?
To explain this phenomen, I like to share the story of the five monkeys and the banana.
Enjoy :)
An experiment is conducted in which five monkeys were placed in a cage together with a banana hanging high on a rope outside the reach...
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What if I told you (lol) that finding the love of your life and/or true success will never be possible if you don't jump over your inner road blocks (fears/self-confidance, etc) first? Most people think that breaking their outer road blocks (lack of time/money, any exterior obstacles) first will get the job done. What they don't know is that you have control only over yourself
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Many choices are available to you throughout the day:

Being too occupied is a choice;

Being stressed out is a choice;

Being angry is a choice;

and feeling joy is a choice too.

Remember that your daily choices reflect what you really feel/are in the end, so how do you want to feel/be today?

Choice is yours.