So im fucking pumped, so pumped, super pumped I just got an email from one of my closet bros, hes in germany right now and hes coming home at the end of the month for a couple of weeks. Oh man im FUCKING PUMPED. Hope everyone else had a lovely day
fasting to unify my mind, body, and spirit.
i want to cleanse myself. i want to stop using food as an indulgent escape. i want to start eating for nutritional value rather than pleasure.
i'm learning the difference between hunger and a desire to eat.
Awesome! I love it when there is an impending homecoming!!! Thank you for all the kind words, and yes, i do believe ive been kidnapped!!!!!
Have a licious day!
so FUUUUUUUCK I have another night set tonight. Goddammit I dont want to go to work, I want to stay home and sleep. Alright babydolls have a good night.
tee hee! I was going to do the bathroom pirate themed, but its ended up being a 'naked' themed bathroom with old fashioned pin-up pics on the walls. And the living room is Alice in Wonderland... its a chick place that guys think is sexy and it says way too much about my personality. lol
Have ________ day!!!
So the weekend is over, back to work tomorrow, fuck maynard I hate this shit. Dude I need money, there are so many things I want to do this month, new ink, the crusty tour, fuck why cant I just win the lottery. Ok my friends(or from whoever else posts a comment) I need some advice.
I dont know if its wrong for me to... Read More
and as for the ex best bro's ex i was told once, or twice or a million times: 'if you have to ask, don't do it" ....but i'm not always good about following advice so i say: "if it feels right do it" not much help, was i???
So im fucking bored!
Just been kickin back listening to music, mostly iced earth to be exact. I started a little calender to countdown to ozzfest, fuck I wish it was this saturday instead of like 8 away. Oh well what can you do but wait. Next month on the 2nd I think Im going to the atreyu cd release parle. It should be awesome... Read More
So anyone heard any new good music, im getting tired of listening to the same shit over and over again?
So 1 more month till ozzfest! Im fucking pumped, cant wait gonna fuckin tear shit up.
Then In august xgames returns to la. That shit will be cool, i was there last year had a blast.
Oh yeah and on the 20th of this month... Read More
"Imprisoned in this world of darkness few have known a monster lusting blood and the hunger grows out on the street, dangers real, the killers still at large a trail of death through the sewers to the underground I feel their fleeting life draw into my bones hear the heart that pounds and the blood that flows eternity I... Read More
So I started ny new route today at work, it was cool, much better then working in L.a. My weekend was pretty cool, hung out with all my boys, it will be the last time i see them for a while. Still got to get situated at home and take care of some other business before i can head out to see the buddies.
I... Read More
o yeah... if i saw him again i would.. trust me.. haha
i saw bleeding through at glass house when they played with himsa and death by stereo.. it was a good show..
they played every single of my favorite songs except ill part2 ... i gave brandan my drawing..heh
Well the day has come and gone, I have now moved. It feels soo good knowing that no longer do I have to be or live in glendale. Well not much to say still trying to get organized, how was everyones weekend?
Well im stoked, numerous things are going good. 2 more days till I move, which is something I cant wait for, Im pumped to be leaving this toilet they call glendale! Lotr came to dvd yesterday you know that I picked that bitch up! Slipknot's new cd came yesterday as well and to be honest its actually alright, not as good as the previous two... Read More